Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2nd Quote of the Day - Greg Rice

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“I got involved because the city wasn’t doing anything to explain both sides of the issue. People were confused. There are so many blogs and websites out there with biased information.”

~ Greg Rice, Treasurer of The Friends of the Gulfstream, member of the planning & Zoning board, Director of the Chamber of Commerce

Speaking to the heights issue, giving us his unbiased opinion.


  1. The success or failure of this policy will be determined in the next year by whether or not anybody becomes interested in redeveloping the Gulfstream,
    Nobody wants a vacant tall building on one of our main streets.

  2. For heaven's sake, the Gulfstream is still in foreclosure. It has been vacant for years even when our planning and zoning board gave the owner every waiver he desired before he reneged on his mortgage and stopped paying his bills. He "played" Lake Worth.

  3. This is not policy. The commission makes policy. This vote by the people makes it law.

  4. Why should the city be involved in politics? It was bad enough using Waters the way you did and Triolo using our casino for her BS.

  5. "No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true." Nathaniel Hawthorne

  6. Beg to differ 6:22 apparently because they were mislead there are 1,200 Lake Worth voters that want to see a vacant building at the foot of our bridge, on the edge of our downtown.

  7. Greg, comments like that are why you lost.

  8. Greg Rice is a joke. He wants to build 100 foot tall on his property on Lucerne and he told the commission he would sue.
