Friday, March 1, 2013

Corrupt politics in Lake Worth

Comment up

The Lake Worth Herald reported that city manager Michael Bornstein "was unaware of the new allegedly illegal sign (shown above) but will have it checked out by code enforcement."

Sorry to burst the opposition's bubble and that includes the Lake Worth Herald whose editor/reporter/publisher/president should have gone down there and measured it before accepting an allegation and planting a seed that it might be illegal....wasting the city manager's time and that of the code enforcement department with the purpose of diverting the attention away from the Gulfstream Hotel.  That would have been responsible journalism but instead it was sensational only to appease his friends, sell newspapers and plant the Low-Rise folks in a bad light. But again, there is nothing so far that has been responsible from the opposition as their mantra is to win by hook or crook with the aid of people who know better.  Code allows up to 6 feet square. End of story. If the above sign is over what our code allows, then it needs to come down too.

The City is being run as a corrupt enterprise evident by the commissioners lack of attention and the city manager having been made aware of the Charter language on signs and his inaction. Even the ownership of the Gulfstream Hotel is in question as it is in foreclosure. An attorney for the owner who is being foreclosed upon was head of our planning board and part of the group that wants to grow up our downtown. He certainly knows our law. It has all been a stall tactic.

(The owner of the parcel of private property on which a political sign is located shall be deemed responsible for compliance with the provisions of this subsection. Any sign or signs in violation shall be removed by the CITY after notice to the property owner. The notice shall be posted on or near the noncomplying sign, shall advise as to the requirements for correction and shall allow forty-eight (48) hours to take corrective action. In addition, notice shall be given to the owner telephonically or in writing.) The sign still remains on the hotel one week later.

The opposition says it needs 65 foot heights in order to build a hotel. Those who advocate to keep our city a low-rise can prove that hoteliers are building many 4 story hotels all over the country and that a low-rise city is not a deterrent to their business or would it be to the health of Lake Worth.

The main concern is that the commissioners can change the zoning. They can change the land development regulations as well as the Comprehensive plan by a flip of the Bic. We saw that happen. There are no real protections unless there is a Charter Amendment limiting heights in our downtown.

We can end this corruption by getting to the polls and all vote YES on Amendment 2.


  1. if the code dept says signs like this is illegal then they better go after everyone ---they tried to target us a few years ago--they target who they want to target---they better watch out--another law suit--

  2. It is apparent that the City Manager is conspiring with the Commission to avoid complying with the Charter for their own political ends. Our Charter is the Constitution of our City and can be changed only by the vote of the people.
    Yes, Lynn, bold faced corruption.

  3. What am I missing here? 4X4 in square feet is 16. And if the maximum allowable sized sign is 6 square feet (2'x3') why is this sign considered more legal than the banner?

  4. You guys clearly have nothing better to do than make a mountain out of an anthill.
    OK you win. Let's keep Lake Worth a broke ghetto. Your personal choices and emotions on how the city should look should trump all financial needs based actual facts.

  5. Keeping heights at 35 and 45 feet have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the fact that we are a poor city. Get real, anonymous. I believe that your personal choices and emotions far out weigh all the residents who want to keep our city a low rise city. I mean, you are the ones lying about it and pulling pranks.

  6. Instead of focusing on the stupid silly banner on the hotel, they twist things around on a yes sign. The meat of this is the very fact that these commissioners want heights and will do everything in their power to get them. A Charter amendment will guarantee a small downtown.

  7. I believe that the Gulfstream people needed a permit. They did not get one. Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, alter, relocate or have within the city, any sign or other advertising structure as defined in this article, without first obtaining a sign permit from the building official and making payment of the required fee.

  8. That's fine anonymous if this building was a licensed business. They would not be able to obtain a sign permit.

  9. Yes Lynn all 1,700 plus who signed the petition is the majority of the population of Lake Worth LOL

  10. 1,790 with 1,719 verified signatures during the worst of conditions--quite a feat in 28 days and an excellent percentage of good signatures. We will see you on election day. Let's see who gets the last laugh. :)

  11. Lake Worth could get a tax base if they would just quit catering to low cost housing all over the City.
    There is enough of it already. They just want to do it the quick and easy way and don't care about the citizens desires. They just need to figure something else out as this amendint is going to happen!
