Thursday, February 28, 2013

Illegal banner on Gulfstream Hotel

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Special magistrate hearing might occur if banner not removed
a special magistrate hearing could be held next week to address the code violation if the banner is not removed before then. -

It would behoove the Friends of the Gulfstream to get it down, apologize for defacing an historic building and erecting an illegal sign. However, our Charter says that the city can take it down. Why don't our city officials read the Charter? Any sign or signs in violation shall be removed by the city after notice to the property owner, which the city did on February 25th at 11am.


  1. This is such a load of crap. the Commission wants this banner up. Bornstein wants this banner up. Period. If the message were different, this banner would be down by now. This whole situation is beyond belief.You Commissioners deserve to be kicked out of office.Katie McgiveronP.S. Yes I BLAME YOU NOW MICHAEL! YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD BY THE COMMISSION THAT THIS STAYS UP!!!Are you going to write me a nasty note comparing this to wife-beating like you did Robert Waples???

  2. Shoddy work by both Williams, Waters for not bothering to look on all 4 sides of a building! How lazy, you would think he would want to be correct in his reporting to the city manager!
    Shoddy work by Willie Howard for not pointing out that the banner is 'incorrect' as well as illegal.
    Shoddy work by the city manager for not immediately demanding the banner be removed.
    Yes I do believe if an opposing position on the same size banner had been posted anywhere in the city the PBSO would be standing there enforcing the city ordinance.

  3. I gave the CM Bornstein the benefit of the doubt. There is no longer any doubt. He has not taken it down because he does not see an urgency to do so. He is political. It's funny about politics. The dais always changes and then city managers get canned because of dabbling into it.

  4. There might be some legal issues of sending city employees onto private property to remove a political sign that exceeds the square footage allowed by ordinance.

    The sign is as correct as what you are telling unsuspecting residents.

    The Gulfstream Hotel PROPERTY is threatened. Right now the owner can expand on THAT PROPERTY to a height of 65'.

    After March 12th, he may only be able to expand to a height of 45 feet in height.

    That may equate to tens of thousands of square feet of loss of revenue and TAXES to the city.

    William Waters looked on the wrong side of the building. It's an honest mistake. I would have never thought to look there either. Give the guy a break.

    Lake Worth just LOST $2.4 million because certain former commissioners couldn't get their stories straight on another legal issue.

    Bornstein is not that stupid. He doesn't want to increase lawsuits in the city, he is trying to clean up the mess that others left.

    What do you want him to do, break down the doors? Have the Sheriff SWAT team rapel down the side to "Free" the banner?

    It'll come down soon enough.

  5. No, I expect them to read the CHARTER. I also expect this from city board members. I expect staff to do their jobs...not to assume something but to KNOW it to be a fact.

    As far as Mark Easton and his ridiculous editorial today, I reject everything he said. The only people responsible for the Greater Bay payment is the commission minus Chris McVoy, the only one with sense.

    Personally, they did damage to their cause.

  6. o, I expect them to read the CHARTER. I also expect this from city board members. I expect staff to do their jobs...not to assume something but to KNOW it to be a fact.

    As far as Mark Easton and his ridiculous editorial today, I reject everything he said. The only people responsible for the Greater Bay payment is the commission minus Chris McVoy, the only one with sense.

    Personally, they did damage to their cause.

  7. Be careful Lynn, certain blogs were also mentioned in the lawsuit that GB just got paid off for...

  8. The illegal banner is still draped on the Gulfstream Hotel at 6:10 p.m. this Friday evening. I wonder how she feels about it.

  9. @5:43--yea, yea, Joslyn is some jewel and cost the city $850,000 for WHAT? He cost us another $1.2 million to settle a suit after 3 years that he originally thought of as a slam dunk. What a crock. We sure can pick them. It's really a shame when this blog tells the truth. Dishonest people can't stand that.

  10. Loretta Sharpe is associated with Castles On The Green, LLC with the role of Manager. Can you believe that when she pulls unethical crap as a member of a city wide board? Everyone is letting Greg Rice off the hook. He is equal in the blame right along with the city manager.

  11. Castles on the Green LLC has been closed and all reports made more than Five years ago. Let's find some more trash to dig up on Loretta.

  12. If I were owner of the Gulfstream
    I would be praying that city staff would go into my property to remove a sign.I would have Joslyn all lined
    up to bring a lawsuit.Think Greater
    Bay won I would hate to think what Joslyn could do with this one.

  13. Remember Lynn it was Stanton that picked Joslyn, are you saying she was wrong?

  14. It was the commission's choice but there was negativity. We suggested then that they choose another firm like Lewis, Longman and Walker that knew the case and situation because it was Josely's firm that drew up the Greater Bay contract and the possible conflict of interest. When the case continued to drag on and Joslyn began to get negative, that is when the city should have replaced him. They didn't and the end result was stupid beyond imagination.

  15. to the person who just attempted to post here after I answered your question--don't come over here and ask me a question and then personally attack me for the answer. You are the one who is "hilarious."

  16. So it is your advice on a legal matter that if our lawyer becomes negative after investigating the case, we should no longer listen to him & change lawyers?
    You might want to reconderthat, considering the financial liability for loss of the lawsuit lies with us.

  17. I would have liked a lawyer that believed in our case, not someone who actually helped Greater Bay initially in drawing up the contract. I would have liked to ha e seen a lawyer interested in lake Worth and not draw out the case for 3 years and charge high legal fees. I would have liked to have seen a better "investigation' of the case not based on politics and other excuses for settlement.

  18. What you would have liked, and what we got does not matter, still cost lots, and lots of bucks......
