Friday, February 8, 2013

"The dreamlike, more gentle rhythms of life"

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The Huffington Post did an article on charming small towns in Florida.

Florida's small towns

What the article said: "Also in Palm Beach County, just east of the Intracoastal Waterway, one finds Lake Worth, a place of elegant charm and wonderful Old Florida architecture. Exhibit A: City Hall, on the corner of Lake Avenue and Dixie Highway, a striking, Moorish-styled building that dates to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration. It seems to blend perfectly with the one-story pastel storefronts that line Lake Avenue. In this downtown, even the Publix supermarket has a retro flair."


  1. Great article but very sad it doesn't matter. Remember the article in (was it the) NYT about out Cottages and the couple that married and each had their own little house w/a mutual outdoor patio? W/in the month the dais praised the article then wrote those cottages right out of the (ZIP?) zoning/coding/comp stuff they were going through at the time. True Story! Comp plan and LDR's have been a problem w/property AND voting rights. That the dais thinks 3 of their votes would trump our Charter (City Constitution) is ridiculous!

    Houston, we have a problem w/out of control Bureaucrats! Their addiction to SPENDING and 'taking' is on steroids. One 'public servant' has made it pretty clear we will comply to ALL the new revenue generators! If not they will take some property and teach US a lesson.

    Karma is a bitch and the Lesson is not ours but theirs! How dare they even say that crap about the same people who pay their salaries! Glad it's all on audio or video to prove the facts so those that look will not eat the propaganda of the day dished out by the Dais. Educate US will they...our employee's need a BIG reminder of who's the boss! It is they that need to enter office 'educated' about their job description and LIMITED authority. Stop the Yule Brenner "so let it be written, so let it be done" or 'build it and they will come" stuff. I will scream if I hear staff begin a conversation w/"It's legally defensible in (fill in the blank)!

    Ask - don't tell!
    Stop Bullying the people and begin to serve THEM. To do that they MUST SPEAK and be HEARD! When's the open mic meeting so we can do that?

    Can't wait to see the Gadsden Flag fly at city hall, "Don't Tread on Me" is enough said!

  2. People from all over the world come to Lake Worth,not to look at the hostile illegally built, concrete box for human(half empty) storage the "Lucerne", with cells like in prisons,with lined up cell-doors(see movies) , sticking people between two shoddy walls with sliding door,(enclosing shoebox size, so-called rooms), for access to daylight,
    but for what Lake Worth Pioneers and real loyal Americans ,have created, an intimate,small inviting Town, with American,Key-West,Mediterranean and Federal style one and two story homes and warm,cozy lowrise Downtown.This has always given humans a place to to socialize, while able to see the sky,from where they are seated.A boorish Contractor,only capable of making concrete boxes,without knowledge or respect for Florida's friendly, refined architecture,which generates revenue(1005 Lake Ave,his stillborn concrete box,does not)is unfortunately on the Commission.John Romano can attest to that fact,who is stuck with that incompatible concrete box,nobody wants, incompatible with Lake Worth delicate architecture and warm human ambiance ,like in all beautiful Old Florida Towns, which attract tourism and residents, and businesses.
    Tourism billions, are generated by beautiful,warm ,intimate Old Florida small Towns,not by Condo getthos,like S.Palm Beach, and the South End,formerly open natural Lake Worth Oceanfront land,given to Palm Beach by incompetent small thinking,primitive hill billies!

  3. I agree. Our small town feel is what drives people here. It certainly is not 6 or 10 story buildings. Heard Loretta is working against keeping our small town charm. is it because she has an interest in making money in real estate that drives her passion?

  4. Theodore Roosevelt stated:
    "I believe in the Initiative and the Referendum,
    not to destroy representative Government,
    but to correct it,when it becomes misrepresentative"

  5. It's wonderful we got on this list. Congrats to LW.

  6. LOL. The Huffington Post IS a liberal rag but this article had NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS now did it, anonymous? Again, I don't understand you question, anonymous.

  7. Dee is absolutetly correct.
    Because when I drive down Dixie Highway and turn onto Lake Ave. it feels like I'm in Key West or on the Mediterraen coast.
    Or I could be having the same acid flashback that she is.

  8. Good Morning 11:25 a.m.
    It's in the Travel Section buttercup! What has that go to do with liberal or conservative?

  9. You have had years in the making to develop Dixie Highway. What has stopped you and your developer friends?

    Marra IS mis-informed.

  10. is it just coincidental that those with the biggest mouths want the biggest buildings? just wondering

  11. Everything is political, are you kidding? Do you think Allen West would ever use anything from the Huff post, you are not a true conservative! anonymous

