Friday, February 8, 2013

Chris Dorner, the Liberal Domestic Terrorist

The manifesto written by murder suspect and LAPD office Chris Dorner contains some bizarre ramblings about how much Dorner loves media personalities like Chris Matthews, Piers Morgan and Ellen DeGeneres. Sean Hannity noticed last night that these details have gone largely unreported in the media, whereas if he had been a fan of right-wing TV hosts, the liberal media would have been eager to report on it to death.

In a RELATED article: Murder Suspect Chris Dorner Praises and Attacks Cable News Personalities. In His Cop-Killer ‘Manifesto’ Hannity pointed out how Dorner is a big fan of liberal politicians and celebrities, while finding the NRA a deplorable organization. Hannity remarked, “don’t expect to hear much about this on liberal news outlets,” since Dorner appears to be a fan of networks like CNN and MSNBC. Hannity brought on Media Research Center president Brent Bozell to take on the media coverage, or lack thereof, of the manifesto.

Go to Mediaite for the rest of the story.

1 comment:

  1. It made the headlines. Now leave it alone. Who really cares what he thinks. He is a killer. They will get him soon.
