Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Suzanne in New Zealand

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Former city commissioner, Suzanne Mulvehill has been out of the country for sometime now. This is her latest photo from New Zealand. While we worry about politics here in Lake Worth, New Zealanders worry about nothing but flatworms. As Suzanne is into composting, this is a good thing.

New Zealand is a small country, similar in size to Great Britain or Japan. With a population of only four million people it’s also gloriously uncrowded unlike our city that is one of the most dense around..


  1. How ironic that you show her with a bunch of sheep! So fitting for you.

  2. I took down my comment--it was too honest and too brutal. But I will ask this, Do you see any sheep following her, anonymous, you gutless wonder?

  3. Nice to see her traveling on her on dime.

  4. Anonymous, I would bet that your Mother doesn't even love you. Am I right? Ask Scott Maxwell, Pam Triolo and Andy Amoroso about the "free lunch." Scott probably has had the most of all. Also, anonymous, this commission now has made it impossible for us to even know when they travel or where they are going on taxpayer money. You approve of that? At least when Suzanne traveled it was by full Approval of the commission.

  5. Apparently you don't understand irony. You are a sheep, a follower. You chose to post a photo of your best commisssioner ever with sheep. That is irony.
    You can post whatever kind of response you want. Your words are pointless and meaningless.
    What could possibly be more brutal than postihng a video of a private citizen's arrest because they has different political views and the ability to repeatedly point out the foolishness of your pac's claims? Now that's brutal.

  6. Is there anything wrong with your comprehension? Wes Blackman posted the video of his arrest. Ask Wes why he would do something so damn dumb. What's scary here, is you are a voter.

  7. 10:27,You see irony? I see a very mean disgruntled person trying to act wise. What a boor.

  8. Since you are addressing me, anonymous, you find irony in sheep. You guys stoop to the lowest of lows to make a ridiculous point. How come you HATE so much? You can't win a debate. You only think you win when you use personal attacks and degrade people. Pathetic, really.

  9. Susan Mulvehill was the most genuine and sincere and smartest people we have EVER HAD AS commissioner in LW, szhe really ws for the people and for the city, Now I worry.
