Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shanon Materio's Accusation

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West Palm Beach Commissioner gets even with hotel proposer after he endorses her opponent. Is it just a "he said, she said?"

City commissioners are deciding between two development teams to build a downtown waterfront hotel, but the process could be muddled with Commissioner Shanon Materio’s statement that a contender had discussed the project with her.
Clint Glass is a senior vice president of Balfour-Beatty Construction, which is working with the Crocker Group, part of a team that wants to build a 12-story building on the old city hall site. He denies asking her about the project when he interviewed her Feb. 8 in his role as chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches’ political action committee.
A five-person PAC panel interviewed Materio and her opponent, Gregg Weiss, to decide whom to endorse in the March 12 election for the seat she was appointed to in 2012. The PAC endorsed Weiss.

Read more... about Shanon.

1 comment:

  1. Shanon was most likely ticked off by what this guy didn't come thru with.Look what benefits Shanon got for her business in little Lake Worth!And she was only on the CRA ! Shanon is in the big time,now! After all,don't these developer types know that it takes time and lots of money to be a Commissioner?Do they actually think that these Commissioners are there out of the goodness of their hearts? Because they want to improve the community?This guy DESERVES to be kicked out of the process for not showing the proper respect for BIG MOMMA MATERIO!!!! Of all the nerve! Really!
