Sunday, February 10, 2013

Retain Lake Worth's small town charm - Vote YES on March 12

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  1. Let's hear why, manny.

  2. when you say small town charm---what is the charm---a lot of run down homes--tons of pot holes in our streets---drug dealer all over--mentally ill in our parks---illegal busineses downtown--dylan harrisons front for synthectic pot--not to mention the people that shouldnt run a city because they have no clue on how to start correcting what is wrong--a lot of crime

  3. When I talk about "small town charm" I am talking about the SIZE. Taller buildings are not going to end the drugs, crime, homeless, etc. All they will do is add to the density and to the cost of services that will be paid through taxes by you. The points you brought up are real and up to law enforcement and our city government. All they are worrying about is reducing someone's electric bill by a few bucks.
