Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Planners need to Plan better

Government and Planning boards are so lame. Here in Lake Worth we have problems with people on appointed political boards who think they know it all when it comes to set-backs, zoning, land-use regulations or even heights. And they are especially lame when it comes to listening to the citizens who are affected by their decisions.

This is bordering on insane. A new apartment building is being constructed just 12 inches from a family’s home in The Bronx and the house’s owners are fuming mad. Can you blame them?  Government did not look out for them. “This is what I get to see. Nice,” scoffed Fernando Justiniano, 49, yesterday as he drew open his dining-room curtains to reveal the “monstrosity’’ of gray cinder blocks a foot from his home at 3525 Bruckner Blvd.

Read more... on the insanity. We have to protect our single family residential neighborhoods and we have to protect our vibrant downtown from those wanting to ruin our small town charm.

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