Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Government Employee Raises

It simply is amazing how government workers have become so arrogant. I'm not talking about those protected by unions with set contracts for employees you can't even fire even if they are not performing up to snuff.  I'm talking about those who present their proposal for salary and benefits.

I worked as an employee for public companies as well as independent entrepreneurs. If I ever felt that I was not being paid or raised sufficiently, I would find another job. You didn't go asking for raises every year. Asking for stuff was considered impolite. Employers need to understand what you do for them and your value. Employees need to understand the finances of the guy who pays him for his services. If an employer doesn't understand your value, then you're in trouble and asking for that raise will not bring you the respect you believe you deserve.

Now we have Boynton Beach's city manager telling the commission what salary and benefits she will expect...a raise of 21% when staff has not been raised in four years. She has compared herself to a CEO of a corporation with 742 employees and a $165 million budget. And she will get the raise, afterall, it's government and government just can't say "no" to spending other people's money. That is the big difference in a public company and government.

1 comment:

  1. Commission should make a motion to table that request! 21% UGH!

    Pay based on performance may be a direction to consider. Ex: The 'event coordinator' at the beach should have just received a % of anything booked there. There is no reason to work harder or even hard for that matter if the paycheck is there, why do more?
