Wednesday, February 27, 2013

On Signs

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In Lake Worth, the maximum allowable sign area for a political sign shall be six (6) square feet. The total aggregate sign area for all political signs on a parcel of private property shall be twenty (20) square feet. If more than one political sign is posted on a parcel of private property, each sign shall be affixed to its own stake, pole, or other supporting structure and shall be placed no closer than twenty-four (24) inches from any other political sign on the same property. As used herein, "parcel of private property" means real property consisting of one or more adjoining lots under common ownership and not owned by a governmental agency. 

The owner of the parcel of private property on which a political sign is located shall be deemed responsible for compliance with the provisions of this subsection. Any sign or signs in violation shall be removed by the city after notice to the property owner. The notice shall be posted on or near the noncomplying sign, shall advise as to the requirements for correction and shall allow forty-eight (48) hours to take corrective action. In addition, notice shall be given to the owner telephonically or in writing. 

If you have a property that is listed in the National Register, you can  arrange for a commemorative plaque. You can NOT erect a sign or banner on the property.


  1. does anyone know if notice was really given?

  2. Loretta Sharpe says she didn't know a banner is a sign. WTF? It is much better when she keeps her mouth shut.

  3. What is the penalty for not coming into compliance? Isn't that in the ordinance you quoted from?

  4. Political signs may be placed anywhere on private property subject to the following restrictions.


    The city's administrative costs in providing notice and removing a noncomplying political sign are hereby established as twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per sign. The city may place a lien to recover its costs so incurred against the parcel of private property on which the sign was located by passage of a resolution of the city commission after ten (10) days' notice by mail to the record owner of the property to be assessed. After its passage, the city clerk shall cause a copy of the resolution to be recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Recorded liens shall be deemed special assessments and may be foreclosed by the city pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 173, Florida Statutes, or in the manner established for the foreclosure of mortgages.

    I hope they throw the book at those bastards. With interest.
