Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Love the Gulfstream and Love a low rise city

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Sign spotted in an up-scale neighborhood. No "white-trash" here as some opponents like to tell me over and over again...if you don't agree with heights going higher, you are every dirty name in their book.


  1. I want one of these - does it come banner size - say like the one on the Gulfstream? Sorry but I need a dash of humor here and this is a beautiful sign that expresses how I, a 'yes' vote feel too -

  2. Thank you Weetha Peebull whoever you are! I'm with you! It is a very pretty sign!

  3. upscale who are you kidden---that is the problem nobody in lake worth knows truely what upscale is---if they think lake worth is upscale--huston we have a problem

  4. we are a low rise city with alot of run down low rises--remember lake worth is one of the poorest city in fl--and it shows every where in the city--do you notice all the pot holes in the streets--do you notice no upscale business will even come here---do you notice dixie ave and the homeless--women who are trying to pick up a trick--people asking everyone for money and again the run down looking homes on every street--and people running drug deals from their home and in the parks--do you want me to keep going

  5. Why then don't you get our very expensive PBSO to clean up the crime areas and have code sit in front of their houses until they clean up the crap?

  6. OK so now we are even. You have your illegal sign and we have ours. So we hope when we take ours down that you will as well.

    P.S. Yours is prettier.

  7. The YES sign is within the code of 6 feet square.

  8. It's not 5 feet from the right-of-way (Infraction)AND it's just as illegal as ours because it does not have the disclaimer. You should know the one. You've been around the block a few times. If it is a political sign, it must state that or it is just another illegal sign and must come down IMMEDIATELY!!!

    Both infractions are similarly illegal.

  9. Your sign is illegal.

    This sign is erected on private property--does not need a disclaimer as it was not put out by the PAC--so your "infraction" is not similar in any way because this sign is legal.

    I really wish you guys would stop the lies.

  10. I know where that house is and of course they want low rise because they are in the area where 6 story buildings would be permitted of course they don't want one next to their home. And I don't either, it seems odd to me that the people in favor of tall buildings are blocks and blocks away from 2nd. Ave. North and 2nd. Ave South area. They don't care if you have a ginormous building blocking the sun or high traffic in and out of a condo building next to your historic cottage.

  11. "Sign spotted in an up-scale neighborhood."

    Hahaha, oh, good one, I suppose its upscale compared to Murry Hills area. Another wacky quote from you guys, keep it up, great material.
