Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Garbage is a smelly business

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Garbage is big business and Waste Management, Inc. is back in the news for funny business.

Waste Management, Inc. is a holding company and all operations are conducted by its subsidiaries. Their subsidiaries provide collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal services. They are also a leading developer, operator and owner of waste-to-energy and landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. Their subs are all friends and all in bed together.

One of their "friends" is Southern Waste Systems/Sun Recycling, a company that has been entrenched in one way or another in our Lake Worth political scene. Through the past several years, they have given contributions to:

Retha Lowe (the most infamous of all)
Tom Ramiccio, candidate and former mayor of Lake Worth
Lisa Maxwell, candidate for Commissioner District 4
BacPac, Shanon Materio, Chair and presently West Palm Beach City Commissioner
Jim Stafford, candidate for Commissioner District 2
John Szerdi, present Lake Worth City Commissioner


  1. That list stinks more than the garbage Southern Waste picks up! Just proves the point that the lowest common denomenators will find eachother.

  2. Well what do you know, all the low lifes are being quiet on this topic. Guess yu're trying to figure out how to get heights.

  3. Lowe is long gone. Ramiccio, Maxwell, the candidates the pac was supporting and Stafford all lost.
    You don't know much about Szerdi yet except that he doesn't drink the naysayer flavored kool aid so what's the big deal?
    You all beat this dead horse to dust long ago. Nobody cares.

  4. They have also given to Head Start Programs, For the Children Programs,
    Barton School programs, vouchers for
    Thanksgiving and Christmas food from Publix, for the less fortunate. And many more things.

  5. Yeah, you probably know some ax murders who go to church every Sunday too.

    A lot of people care about corruption and pay to play, anonymous. Sorry you are so morally broken.
