Monday, February 4, 2013

Cocoanuts at the Lake Worth beach

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Photograph by Mark Parrilla

Mark asks, "Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?"


  1. Yes I see something wrong. Trees to tall and scrawny.

  2. Those benches are all positioned wrong, you have your feet in the mulch (Mulch gets nasty after a while) Coconuts are going to fall off and hurt someone(Lawsuit) and the splintery old mildewy seawall wooded fence needs replaced. Still the concrete falling off the old bathroom pool building. I mean come on! Everything else is BRAND NEW and looking good!!
    Go all the way and fix it all and be done with it ...

    Just sayn...

  3. It was not redone on purpose as the city manager and staff want to rip it down, fill in the pool, and build a building on the site. Bornstein has referred to our Olympic pool as a "white elephant." People need to step up and speak out and save our pool.

  4. Don't let Chris Kibbins near those trees!!!

  5. Maybe those coconuts could knock some sense into our city Commissioners.

  6. Or maybe some sense into the commissioners that actually apprioved the plan.

  7. Yes, that would be triolo, maxwell and amorosa. They all could have changed the plan.

  8. I understand the pool wasn't part of the casino contract so it makes sense that the contractor for the casino would not paint and repair it. But we need to get it back up and running and looking good so it goes with the beautiful casino. that pool is an asset.

  9. Originally the bathrooms and lockers were part of the contract. They were deleted to make room for John Szerdi's bathroom design at the south end. Also, it was staffs desire to tear down the building and fill in the pool.
