Friday, February 15, 2013

Festival of Trees

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What more appropriate venue than to celebrate the benefits of trees than the Cultural Plaza where our 80 year old Ficus had the life snapped out of it by a chain saw. As there was never a Work Order for this tree removal, let's hope staff shows up and gets its educational opportunity on the benefit of trees.

Click to read

And speaking of our felled Banyan tree, The City is now following up on the vice mayor's idea of asking for donations to replace the tree. Why not? The tree belonged to the residents. It's only fair that the resident's pay to replace it, right? Call 586-1663 if you care to donate.


  1. If there is a more bitter angry resident in Lake Worth than you I'd like to meet them to see what the bottom looks like.

  2. For some strange reason, truth comes across as anger to you. Perhaps you are the one who is angry, anonymous. Or perhaps you just don't like sarcasm.
