Friday, February 15, 2013

Conflicts of Interest

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It certainly is astonishing that some in this city, particularly politically appointed board members and neighborhood association presidents who should be in the know, aren't. Even Frank Palen had to admit that there was an Ethics conflict of interest when he was on the politically replaced planning board. He was appointed by our trio commission who replaced former members who advocated for a low-rise city. Later, he was advised that his serving on the Planning & Zoning Board was unethical. He resigned in October 2012.

How then can Palen make an impartial presentation on heights when every indication leads us to believe that he wants heights and supports vertical growth in our downtown? How can any neighborhood president feign ignorance of presenting a fair and balanced presentation? How can the NA not present both sides of the argument? When neighborhood associations allow themselves to be political, they are, and members can and often are manipulated.

From: Frank S Palen []
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 11:21 AM
To: William Waters
Cc: Barbara Alterman Esq. ;; Pamela Lopez; Karen Vaughn; Michael Bornstein; Scott Maxwell;
Subject: Resignation from LW P&Z Board, PBC Ethics Code Requirements


Because my law firm is now a vendor to the City, the PBC Ethics Code's "conflict of interest" rules require me to resign from the P&Z Board. The Ethics Code does not permit a waiver in the case of quasi-judicial boards. As my attached letter suggests, I am able and willing to assist the City in other ways if such assistance is desired.

I wish you and the Board the best & hope that we can find some other way for me to assist you during the transition to the new ULDC. Please convey my regrets and well wishes to the members of the P&Z Board.

Frank S. Palen, Esq., AICP
Caldwell Pacetti Edwards Schoech & Viator LLP

Don't be duped.
  Vote YES on March 12th. 

And the next time you run into Loretta or Greg, ask them if you should file an ethics charge as they sit on the Planning & Zoning or Historical Resource Preservation boards. Is what they're doing (formed a Political Action Committee) going to result in any special benefit to them for being a Realtor, a land-owner in the area of the referendum or in a trade beneficial to builders? Can Wes ever again be counted on to give an impartial vote as chair of the HRPB?


  1. Of course Frank Palen wants greater heights in our City; why else would the Commission have appointed him?

    Wasn't he the one who tried to sneak by a 100' limit for the ENTIRE block of the Gulfstream hotel, pretending his proposed Charter Amendment was for the lot adjacent to the Gulfstream only.
    As an attorney, he is used to advocating for one side. The neighborhood association's choice of him to present for the pro height contingent's view is transparently far from neutral.

  2. and? So what? Big friggn deal.
    You clowns don't like playing when the deck is not stacked in your favor. ie- spreading lies no opposition etc. Sorry that ain't happening this time around. So just like the Hometown Democracy fiasco the hieght amendment b.s. is going down in flames.

  3. Lack of ethics and/or corruption are nothing new to your take-over side of monied politics. And name calling is the norm for you when you have lost the debate or have nothing better to say.

  4. Forgot to mention, Attorney Palen in creating the historic districts carved out the .72 acre plot for the Lucerne, leaving it not zoned at all, so that development did not have to follow the guidelines of all the other parcels in the Downtown Historic District.
    In what universe?

  5. Can anyone confirm if Frank Palen was invited to speak to the Mango Grove and Poinciana Neighborhood Associations joint meeting to talk about the height issue?

    When and where?
