Saturday, February 9, 2013

A prediction on lmmigration "Reform"

Here’s a prediction.

A path to citizenship will be offered to the current 11 million, and if it is not too onerous, most of them will take it. But others will not, planting the seeds of a new illegal population. Possibly a guest-worker program will be put into place, but even if so, it will be too small and too entangled with bureaucracy for employers and workers to want to use.

Over the years, millions more people from Mexico and especially (as Mexico’s economy continues to improve) Central and South America will illegally enter the United States. They will be partly drawn by jobs, and partly by waiting family and friends, and the law will not deter them because they expect that sooner or later another path to citizenship will open up. Ten or 20 years from now, everyone will recognize a new illegal immigration “problem,” which we will again “solve” by removing the “illegal” label from the foreheads of the migrants and affixing the “legal” label in its place.


1 comment:

  1. to answer someone who just tried to post--It doesn't matter if this graphic has been around for 7 years or even more. It tells the story. Find me a more current graphic and I will put that one up there. Let's solve this problem and stop worrying so much about the graphic.
