Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reza and Eley in Cold Blood

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Whatever you do in Lake Worth, don't go around wielding a knife. Don't get into a domestic disturbance. You might get shot to death. That's what happened to 24 year old mother, Angella Falconi, last week in Lake Worth and that's what happened to 23 year old Jesus Barreto in Lake Worth in 2011--shot to death by the same cop.

As Obama just unveiled a sweeping plan to curb gun violence in America, trends of police violence are not quantified and go un-analyzed as to the circumstances of deadly force that have caused a death. Could a taser have been used instead?  Could a police negotiator have been called in?  What were the circumstances of their action or possibly, over-reaction? What lead Ms. Falconi to hold a knife at her husband's throat?  Did these cops come barging in and scare her even more? Was there no other aleternative other than to shoot her in cold blood?

"The American Civil Liberties Union said police aren't required to publicly report officer-involved shooting information to anyone, but recently a judge ordered the New York Police Department to release that information to the New York Civil Liberties Union"  Read more.

There is The Blue Code of Silence which is an unwritten rule among police officers in the United States not to report on another colleague's errors, misconducts, or crimes. If questioned about an incident of misconduct involving another officer (e.g. during the course of an official inquiry), while following the code, the officer being questioned would claim ignorance of another officer's wrongdoing.

All of us should question a violent death and the circumstances surrounding it. It is normal for us to believe that the police don't make mistakes and always do the right thing. Mistakes happen in all professions. Just look at the number of deaths under anesthesia. All people can make mistakes. We can make sure that police are held accountable for their actions by speaking up and demanding a full accounting. The fact that most police officers enjoy broad discretion and minimal supervision has been cited as increasing opportunities for police misconduct.

As one of these two former City of Lake Worth police officers, now working for PBSO, shot two people to death in a course of a little more than one year, a thorough investigation is necessary in spite of Ric Bradshaw's credited account of their actions in the Falconi violent death.


  1. Police are trained to use equal force. The knife was not at his throat. Why could they have not tazed her? If they had to shoot, why not in the leg or arm? Their shooting skills are good enough to not hit her husband that they say "she had by his shirt". Either choice would have made her drop the knife. Instead she was shot multable times in the back. There is no justification!

    RIP will be missed.

  2. Peggy Fisher thinks just the opposite. What do you have to say about that?

  3. Cops lie all the time to justify their actions. Too bad they can't be tried for murder like the public who pay their huge salaries and retirements.

  4. heartbroken friend, seems like you were there. Why didnt you do something before the police showed up? Affraid to get cut? You were probably adgitating the police. A lot of times police do what they have to do on the spur of the moment.I dont think all officers carry a tazer.Sounds like your neighborhood has some wacky people living in it.

  5. Heartbroken, I think the Police know how to handle most situations. You dont and werent put in the position of what to do.
    I`m sure the Police ordered her to drop the knife and she didnt. In that split second she could have stabbed the guy, killed him and then what? Lady would you now drop the knife now and let us handcuff you. Police do the best they can in all situations. They dont kill people needlessly like you might think.

  6. Peggy Fisher?
    Could be a relative of Eddie Fisher.

  7. Peggy Fisher?

  8. A cop shot a young woman to death. He doesn't seem to have any remorse about his decision. His boss is covering up for him. I would suppose that there will be a full investigation as one sided as the cops version will be. Shoot first and ask questions later. Now we have a baby with no mother. Very sad.

  9. Last poster. Who caused the problem to start with? The woman with the knife. You suppose wrong about the investigation.The woman with the baby should have thought about that before going nuttsy.Put the blame where it belongs.No knife, baby still has a mother.

  10. I say "Ban All Knives".... no no, just butter knives. And then we should limit the amount of knives you can have in your silverware drawer. Ya... that's the ticket.

    And.... we'll allow all doctors to ask if you "plan on using your knives".....Assault butter knives....

    Then we'll invite Ginsu to the table to discuss how to curb assault knife violence. Then tell them that if there weren't so many knives on the market and in the hands of law abiding citizens who use them responsibly, assaults would be down.

    Chop sticks are the only answer.
