Friday, January 18, 2013

Patrick Murphy steals Allen West's line - Blames Spending

He may be young with little life's experience but Patrick Murphy did learn something from Allen West--He says that he blames spending as one of the biggest problems adding to the country’s deficit and preventing Congress from balancing the budget. As a new member of the House, he plans to concentrate on “reducing spending, increasing revenue and getting our economy back on track.”

Daddy won't like that 'increasing revenue' thing especially if it's all on the heads of the wealthy.


  1. OH PLEASE, I meet with P.M.on several occasions and he is nothing like that tea-bagger.

  2. You don't know anything about Allen West.

  3. He said about the Tea Party that his critics have “schizophrenia” — because they praise him one moment and slam him the next.

    West did not always vote the way of the T-party. He voted the way he believed was correct. That is why some Republicans did not support him the 2nd time around. He is his own man.
