Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One-Way Mirrored Doors to Lake Worth's Executive Offices

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Here's looking at ya
Let's keep those pesky "bad guys" out

Other than the City Clerk's office, I had not been to City Hall in several weeks and therefore had not noticed the new one-way mirrored door into the executive offices.

The thought of security to the executive offices started in 2009 shortly after Susan Stanton was hired. Scott Maxwell visited her when he was active in the anti-illegal immigration issue and before he became commissioner for District 1. Following an incident that day where she thought she needed a panic button, the former city manager was bombarded by people just dropping by, walking into her office and expecting an instant meeting. When they were turned down, some got hostile. Some were hostile under normal circumstances when they visited City Hall and privacy was impossible.

Because of hate e-mails (hate e-mails are sometimes nothing more than communications from people who disagree with you), she then had a security lock installed. There was a lot of brouhaha. She was chastised severely for trying to make her offices secure and safe, not only for herself but staff as well,  and accused by the commission of making it "unfriendly" and "unwelcoming." Maxwell made a big to do about it all and the then commission made her unlock the door and keep the doors opened throughout the day. After that, the newly elected commission fired Stanton--this action would bring stability they said and make City Hall a more "friendly" place.

We see one-way mirrors in criminal interrogation rooms where there is one-way mirrored glass. On the bad guys' side, the criminal sees his own reflection. On the good guys' side, the large amount of light coming from the criminals' side is what they see. This is done purposely to make it "unfriendly," intimidating and sneaky.

Now that City Manager Michael Bornstein is Maxwell's NBF, one-way mirrors are the norm that go right along with all the other transparency issues coming out of City Hall.


  1. 300,000 visits and you get a total of 18 votes on the new utility provider? B.S.
    You better start voting yourself the same way you post anonymously talking to and congratulating yourself.

  2. It was over 400,000 hits, anonymous, and I don't know why people don't take polls. It is probably for the same reason why people don't comment that often...they are afraid that their identity might be found out or why they take personal sxwipes anonymously like you just did.

    Sorry you are such a miserable person and a cyber attacker. Try posting under your REAL name.

  3. Now on to THE SUBJECT!!! of this post- I always agreed with Ms. Stanton having security ,and I also agree with this City Manager and staff having security. We live in a crazy world.Mr. Maxwell has a very bad habit of being selective in his outrage.

  4. anony at 958 , sounds like jealousy to me from someone who has a lot of personality problems.I find everything to be well written and well stated on this blog.You don't like her photos either?I guess you're just good at criticizing.

  5. Is a mirror not allowing the public to look in really for safety? Please explain.

  6. Poster above. Of course its for safety because of the many nutty people walking around. Its also so you can check to see if your slip is hanging out

  7. Stanton wasn't allowed to lock her door but bornstein now can put in mirrored glass so citizens can't look in. Too much. Maxwell, grow an ethical set.
