Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Armed Security Accosts Newsman

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  1. this is obamas America. did you listen to his speech today?

  2. With all the crazy people out there and who these Security people are protecting, I can see the extra security. That newsman was a bit pushy. His credentials could be fake. Some news people are a bit to persistant. Back off and No means just that.

  3. You are purposely missing Mr. Mattera's point?

  4. Where were the "armed guards"?
    Bloomberg had a security team around him, so what? millionaires and billionaires have around the clock security. Nobody pulled a gun or any other kind of weapon. How do you know they were "armed"?
    The "reporter" is nothing more than an attention seeking clown.

  5. Poster above, you are correct and that was my point in my post. What that guys intention was doesnt matter. The security team were doing their job. If the security team says back off then you better do what they say. lynn if I missed the point then I`m wrong.

  6. All security details such as this have guns. The point was that Bloomberg wants to eliminate certain guns for private citizens but surrounds himself with security that is well armed with probably Glocks or some other 10mm handgun gun that shoots more than 10 rounds.. ???!!!

  7. it makes me laugh when I hear the first words out of someone mouth concerning a hand gun is "Glock". Smith $ Wesson, Sig Sauer, M & P, Springfield, Walther, Taurus...the list goes on and on....all s/a hand guns......and why do you think they chamber 10mm caliber? You didn't have to qualify your statement by naming a specific brand of weapon or caliber..You could very easily have said......"he surrounds himself with well armed security who have the capability of firing more than 10 rds from their weapon".

    thanks for listening..Licensed Glock owner/carrier

  8. To the nit picker above. Lynn naming a certain pistol brand doesnt matter.
    I bet you complained when your mother served you blackeyed peas.
    Shut up and dont be so critical. Yes, and eat those cotton pickin peas.

  9. not pik'in or being uber critical....just makin' an observation. It seems that everything that's not a rocket launcher is a Glock. and no I never complain about anything my mother served me......she carries a GLOCK!
