Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blast from the Not Too Distant Past - The Ficus - RIP

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The Infamous Ficus that was chopped to the ground. 
 In memory

The Vice Mayor wants to start a city-wide funding project (citizens to pay for the tree) to replace the 80 year old tree that was cut down to a pulp by staff that did not heed the words "do not cut down that tree."  Let's just get another large tree in that space as soon as possible.

Read the Palm Beach Post Editorial on our felled tree:  Tree cutting says all the wrong things about Lake Worth.

In today's Letter to the Editor :  Paraphrasing his letter, the writer said that the felled tree is not a big deal in the scheme of things...he wondered if we were going to wait until a branch fell on someone's head killing him before we took action on the tree.  Well, a branch can fall from any tree even a palm tree. You have a grounds crew to watch for that sort of thing especially in public parks and trees growing near sidewalks.

The bigger story here is not that the tree was cut down but that staff went around a direct order not to cut it down. Insubordination of staff and their constant belief that they run this city is the problem.  Susan Stanton tried to stop that mindset when she was city manager and she let them know who was the boss. Things were turning around in that regard.  Micro-managing staff is not good but letting them know who's boss is. It really begs the question, what will staff do next?


  1. Errr Look at all the new COCONUT PALM trees in the lower lot and up top at the beach! Some Tower up so high full of coconuts. Tell me if one of them fell on your head that it wouldnt hurt or you wouldnt sue the city??????

  2. So now the public gets to determine the health of a tree by driving past it?

  3. Your comments about our recent X City Manager don't seem substianted by facts or employment history. Just look at her size of employers as she continues her downward slide:
    Largo FL: 77,723
    Lake Worth FL: 35,306
    Greenfield CA: 16,611

    Your backing of Stanton seems as well placed--or not--as your judgements on other topics.

  4. Thanks. I put the line regarding Stanton in the blog just for you.

    The facts of the matter are she got fired for being a transgendered person in Largo. It had nothing to do with her job performance. She had to overcome the same predjudicial obstacles here in lake Worth, the most liberal city I have ever lived in. When the commission majority changed, she was fired immediately, even by a commissioner who is Gay even though he said he would give her 6 months and then evaluate. What a sick little twist to things. If she can't rise above it here, it's nearly impossible to rise above it anywhere. If you can't experience tolerance in Lake Worth, then people like Stanton will always have a rough time. One commissioner, Scott Maxwell, gave her hell every day and tormented her. Perhaps she will be more appreciated in California.

    My backing of Stanton is based on her decisions -- not all of them I agreed with but for the most part decisions made for the betterment of LW. Nothing more than that, anonymous. So take your snide and hateful remarks to that other blog.

  5. @8:31. What a disgruntled ole witch. Just reading this morning where there might be a new cure for dementia. Also, you misspelled the word judgment. Get on top of things, anony and put yourself in the other person's shoes. Start hanging out with some "nice" people if you know of any.

  6. Being gay and being a trany are not the same thing as you think. Gays hate on each other just like straight people do, they don't all have each other backs, there's no "blue code", or secrete handshake. Its not like political parties following the company line.

  7. Sounds like you know all about it at 10:47. Why not come out of the closet?
