Sunday, January 20, 2013

Another 4 years

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Today's swearing-in ceremony is a matter of  Constitutional law which says presidents automatically begin their new terms January 20th at noon. Because inaugural ceremonies have never been held on Sundays, look for the pomp and circumstance tomorrow where 800,000 people are expected to descend on Washington, DC.

Barack Obama’s blueprint for the United States spells trouble for American autonomy, self-governance, and defense, all key elements of national sovereignty. His undisguised indifference to repeated diminutions of that sovereignty is entirely consistent with the views of his European admirers, who, at their level, would like to see their nation-states dissolve into the European Union. In the end, however, the United States is exceptional and will not melt into any larger or global union; it will simply become less able to protect itself and its constitutional decision-making system. That is clearly where our first post-American president’s policies will take us.

Read more... at Commentary Magazine.


  1. Unemployment is down, housing prices are up, the stock market is up, the economy is finally turning around, the US is winding down yet another war, all without any help from the GOP.
    When exactly does Obama 's destruction of America begin?

  2. You are a person in the know politically what does post american president mean?

  3. Well, I would imagine that the expression was used based on the book,
    "The Post-American Presidency" By Pamela Geller
