Thursday, December 20, 2012

World Net Daily's Man of the Year

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Time magazine may have named Barack Obama Man of the Year for 2012, but in a first-ever honor, WND today named Patrick Buchanan as the WND Man of the Year, honoring the stalwart of conservative thought for his incisive and insightful contributions to the America of economic, military, political and social influence.

He has been adviser to three presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination himself, served as the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000 and churned out six straight New York Times bestsellers, including “A Republic, Not an Empire,” “The Death of the West,” “Where the Right Went Wrong,” “State of Emergency,” “Day of Reckoning” and “Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War.”



  1. Just lovely, naming someone like Pat Buchanan who has been so hateful toward gay people for so many years, couldn't they find someone better than that? How can anyone respect that?

  2. He's against gay marriage. Is that hateful?

  3. where is he now? due to his hateful conservative beliefs he's persona non grata eveywhere isn't he?

  4. What hateful beliefs? You just keep throwing stones, anonymous.

  5. Lynn, you are never going to win this argument in gay lake worth. NEVER.

  6. Well, there are some who condemn everyone who does not believe in their point of view. They are intolerant and are not accepting, the very same trait they condemn in others. Oh well. Marriage is a sacred contract.
