Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Obama, Time's Person of the Year

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A cultural figure, an icon, worshiped like a rock star as well as political,
Barack Obama is Time Magazine's Person of the Year

"For finding and forging a new majority, for turning weakness into opportunity and for seeking, amid great adversity, to create a more perfect union, Barack Obama is TIME's 2012 Person of the Year.

Young people, minorities, Hispanics, college-educated women — and in winning re-election, Obama showed that these fast-growing groups are not only the future but also the present,” wrote Time editor, Richard Stengle. “If his win in 2008 was extraordinary, then 2012 is confirmation that demographic change is here to stay.”


  1. And the Best man won twice this year...

  2. You and the rest of the 50.9%. The rest of us know better and know that socialism does NOT work.

  3. I see you afraid to let it be known that there are comments when it is something you disagree with... Do not worry Lynn we ALL know that the right man was selected...

  4. astute of you, anonymous as our country heads for bankruptcy and the fiscal cliff.

  5. Lynn, the Fiscal Cliff is looming because Boehner can not get real. Plan C is on it's way, and the way he is going it will most likely take us to plan Q................

  6. Yep.... All of us whackos that out number you and your whackos. Interesting predicament we are all in huh?

  7. Oh No everyone is going to have their taxes go up!!!!!!! Even you Lynn
