Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wish List and Broken Promises

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By political cartoonist, Dave Granlund, one of the tops!

Read about all Obama's broken promises


  1. List in detail using facts and not your twisted conservative opinion HOW the Obama's cost taxpayers over $1 billion? You can't because you're full of crap and will post anything load of b.a. you can find on the internet.
    Can't wait until we find out who cost Lake Worth tax payers $2.6 million which hurts us alot more.
    I'll give you a sneak preview.
    It was you and your legal ealgle friends.
    Thank you very much liar.

  2. Why not just Google--you might learn something.
    Next, I provided a link to Obama's spending in a previous blog on his vacations.
    Next, as far as Maxwell's political trumped up workshop to "get to the bottom of the Greater Bay settlement" look to Maxwell and his cronies for settling with a scam artist. These politicos don't need to go further than what they did. Look to the real cause, not people who write about it and others who helped save our beach from GB.
    As far as calling me a liar, it sure takes one to know one I guess. You have balls, I will give you that, but they are twisted. :)
    P.S. Post under your real name, coward!

  3. re-post the debt clock
    There is no problem w/those numbers?
    No matter who has been in the WH -
    they spend. Some more than others but spend they do. What they Do Not do
    is pay down the debt - they keep spending on silly programs that add and not subtract from Debt.

  4. Joslyn wants to transfer blame to others for LW having to pay his co. over a million for the GB fiasco, and Maxwell wants to justify his hiring of this firm, in spite of its apparent inadequacy in several ways in this case, and to demonize his opponents.

    He seems to have learned well from previous fascists how to make the most of all opportunities except how to make revenue to reduce taxes for LW citizens.
