Friday, December 21, 2012

Marco Rubio

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  1. People forget that Bill Clinton had our debt wiped clean and balanced, it was when the republicans took office that all this debt started to spiral out of control, although Obama has not done enough to address it, it also take the sen and rep to do something and work with him, and they don't. They are not now, seen by Boehner. It is about all working together, we all can pay a little more, rich or middle class or even poor and we should. We need to work together. Rich can chip in a little more, it is a sin they they often pay a lower rate than middle class for makig over $250,000 or one million or more. Fox News is so obviously republican that it isn't funny, it is about working together, all of us paying a little more, make it all more proportional to how much you earn.

  2. Well, I believe we had a few wars that got us there, anonymous. 9/11 did us in. War was waged on our country. Our war in Afghanistan has cost us 809,658,521,000 and Iraq 595,867,318,000. Our national debt that Obama continues to grow is nearly $17 trillion dollars. What did Libya cost us? That was was all Obama's.

    $250,000 is not a lot of money in today's world. Taxing millionaires a little more might be ok
    with me but cutting spending is the key. I would like to see them overhaul the tax codes.

    As far as your perception of Fox News being Republican and you sneer and imply that it is a bad thing to be conservative, what has liberalism done for our nearly bankrupt country other than exacerbate the problems.
