Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Newtown Shooter's Guns

Te AR-15 style rifle — the most popular rifle in America, according to gun dealers — also was the weapon of choice for Adam Lanza, who police said used one made by Bushmaster on Friday to kill 20 young children and six adults in an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., the worst in history.

The two semiautomatic pistols and .223-caliber Bushmaster assault rifle Lanza used in the shooting were registered to his mother, whom several witnesses identified as an avid gun collector.  The weapons that police recovered from the scene included a Glock 10mm handgun (first reported as a 9mm and the video below is on the 9mm), a Sig Sauer 9-mm handgun and a Bushmaster rifle. One gun was left in his car.

Folks do people really need guns such as these? The Denver Egotist says, "Every time some complete fucking nutball opens fire on a bunch of innocent people, we get the usual “this is not the time to talk about gun control” bullshit from the NRA and the right wing. Well, when is the time? Never, really, because it’s a right that most red-blooded gun advocates will only see pried from their cold, dead hands. Which, ironically, could happen because of their belief in their beloved firearms."

The other side of that argument

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