Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Boehner and Obama becoming BFF's?

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I dunno. It is all very confusing. You read one thing and then read something entirely different. A 45 minute meeting yesterday between the president and the Speaker of the House--can't imagine much being accomplished in that short of time. It probably went something like, "Mr. President, here's my compromise; do you accept it?" "No," said Obama.

The Fiscal cliff is almost on top of us and Republicans are trying to compromise--a little...Democrats not much at all and that's no surprise as they are spending us right into bankruptcy.

As Obama wants a two year extension of the debt ceiling, it has been stated that Boehner will stand by his condition that the debt ceiling be raised only if Washington cuts spending by an amount greater than the increase. The latest information out is that Republican Boehner is about to agree and give up on the debt ceiling, the entire platform of the Party...he and Obama are becoming best friends.

Obama is slow to negotiate and to compromise and is holding steadfast as he has not learned a thing about the importance of compromise after being in office for four years. He now has suggested cuts of $200 billion, split equally between defense and non-defense programs.

Republicans are opposed to higher tax rates because history shows that once rates go up, it is difficult to later reduce government revenue by lowering them again, a theory that we as citizens know all too well.

John Boehner’s proposal would generate about $2 trillion in savings over the next decade, split equally between new taxes and spending cuts. On the tax side, as much as $460 billion would be locked in by letting the George W. Bush-era tax cuts expire on income over $1 million a year. Obama wants to curtail all future cost of living increases for social security recipients although he says he wants us protected and a higher tax rate on those making over $400,000 rather than the $250,000 he has been touting all through the election.

Republicans need to get a backbone; make a case to the American people and one that we will finally understand. Government loves spending our money and all of us know the trouble we are in when we can't balance our personal budgets.


  1. Republicans HAVE made their case to the American people. We rejected it.

    According to Politico report today:
    The president’s proposal would permanently extend the so-called patch that saves millions of Americans from the alternative minimum tax each year. It would also extend on a permanent basis billions of dollars worth of targeted business tax breaks — most of which expired at the end of 2011 or are about to lapse at the end of the year.

    In the same report:
    Obama’s plan would generate $1.2 trillion in revenue, $200 billion less than the president sought last week. But it also includes $1.22 trillion in spending cuts, reflecting GOP demands for $1 in spending cuts for every $1 in revenue generated.

    Do you call that uncompromising? I don't.

  2. Well, we, the rest of America, believe in the American dream--Rebuilding the Economy and Creating Jobs. Why would anyone in his right mind disagree with that? Oh sorry, forgot...you are the entitlement society...don't need a job...Father Obama will take care of us from cradle to grave. Obama got 50.9% of the vote which was NOT a landslide, by the way, no matter how you Dems want to spin that. Can't help it that Obama got the entire minority and the Hispanic immigrant vote that believes in illegals getting rights that they don't deserve. We don't believe in open borders or socialism.

  3. Obama administration's latest offer Monday was "at $1.3 trillion in new revenues for only $850 billion in net spending reductions

    Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/18/Boehner-Obamas-new-proposal-not-balanced/UPI-51811355813001/#ixzz2FRohkqLn
