Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa Baby, I'm falling, I'm falling

Obama just will not cut spending...ridiculous spending and pork is still going out the door. Obama's "main priority is to ensure that taxes don’t go up on 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses in just a few short days," so he says. The Whitehouse says that the president will work with Congress to get this done and is hopeful that they will be able to find a bipartisan solution quickly that protects the middle class and our economy.

Nothing has changed for months. Republicans say more cuts, Obama says "no."  Republicans say you can't keep spending more than you take in and if you tax the wealthy more, it won't make one dent in our deficit. Both sides have been locked in a vicious blame game over the fiscal cliff. Obama actually believes he has some sort of a mandate to continue the spending. Those who elected him give the argument, "shut up; we won." They like all this debt and believe that Santa or some other mythical person will solve it all for us sometime in the future before we go bankrupt. We're falling and soon we will never be able to get up.

"The president put his own political interests ahead of our national security,” said Kevin Smith, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Some of the ridiculous spending:

$107,000 to study the sex life of the Japanese quail.
$1.2 million to study the breeding habits of the woodchuck.
$150,000 to study the Hatfield-McCoy feud
$84,000 to find out why people fall in love
$1 million to study why people don't ride bikes to work.
$19 million to examine gas emissions from cow flatulence
$144,000 to see if pigeons follow human economic laws.
Funds to study the cause of rudeness on tennis courts and examine smiling patterns in bowling alleys.
$219,000 to teach college students how to watch television
$2 million to construct an ancient Hawaiian canoe
$20 million for a demonstration project to build wooden bridges.
$160,000 to study if you can hex an opponent by drawing an X on his chest
$800,000 for a restroom on Mt. McKinley.
$100,000 to study how to avoid falling spacecraft.
$16,000 to study the operation of the komungo, a Korean stringed
$1 million to preserve a sewer in Trenton, NJ, as a historic monument.
$6,000 for a document on Worcestershire sauce
$10,000 to study the effect of naval communications on a bull's potency
$100,000 to research soybean-based ink
$1 million for a Seafood Consumer Center
$57,000 spent by the Executive Branch for gold-embossed playing cards on Air Force Two

Total: $ 45,980,000
There's more where that came from.

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