Friday, December 21, 2012

Obama--Is austerity sinking in?

January 20, 2009

A lot has changed in four years. Back in 2009, there were ten inaugural balls--now there will be two. Is austerity finally sinking in as 14 million people are unemployed? Will this be an Obama New Year's resolution? Cut  back on balls, state dinners, vacations all around the world?

The Obama's cost the American taxpayers $1.4 billion a year

Under President Obama's stewardship, the national debt has grown by more than $4 billion per day, $170 million per hour, $2.8 million per minute and more than $47,000 per second.  Cut the spending; get a balanced budget and do not take us over the Fiscal cliff.

Maybe he just doesn't like all that dancing because the family just flew off to Hawaii for a 17 day vacation at the tune of  4 million to taxpayers, according to a report from the Hawaii Reporter.

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