Friday, November 9, 2012

Sid Dinerstein

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Sid Dinerstein
at Allen West HQ in August 2010

Sid Dinerstein will be stepping down as Chair of the Palm Beach County Republican Party after ten years. Democrats out number Republicans in this County by approximately 138,000. As a vast percentage of people vote per Party line, it has become more and more difficult to get Republicans elected. We elected a rock star in 2008 and people were unwilling to let him go.

Mr. Dinerstein has sometimes been controversial.  He made a robo call for former Lake Worth Mayor, Rene Varela, a Democrat, and he used his position to get Republicans elected such as Tom Ramiccio in Lake Worth where political races are non-partisan. He was always active and never backed down.

We continue to witness the escalating dependence on government. Democrats do not seem to worry about the growing debt and government's inability to climb out nor do they worry about the 47 million on welfare or the unemployed.  They pick on the 1% and have engaged in class warfare. Obama talks about creating jobs through wind and solar power, pipe dreams and wastes of money, instead of allowing us to become energy independent by developing the resources that we have. Republicans and Mr. Dinerstein know differently.

Demographics have changed because of social policy with more open border mentality that has brought the biggest Hispanic vote in history with 70% of them voting Democratic. A vast majority of people who live in Lake Worth believe that anything goes and God, conservative principles and sovereignty be damned. It's going to take four more years to finally awaken people to the mess and realize a leadership change at the top is exactly what's needed...if it's not too late.

Sid Dinerstein never gave up. And we won't either, Sid.

1 comment:

  1. Sid Dinerstein is a pompous ASS. I'm a life long Republican,now a Conservative who blames party hacks like Dinerstein for what has happened to my party. GOOD RIDDANCE !!!! Katie Mcgiveron
