Friday, November 9, 2012

Economy continues to tank

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As the Stock Market continues to plunge since Obama was re-elected, we have had lay-offs and plant closings ever since the election not to mention the 1,500 lay-offs at Energizer and Boeing laying off 30%.

Here are some of the business closings that were announced in just the past two days according to The Blaze:


  1. Target is purposely closing and repositioning stores throughout the country and the company is doing well so that's not an economic issue at all. Kmart is a dinosaur and should close every store as their competitors target and wal mart are killing them. Again not a economic thing but a failure to stay relevant in the market place. What is the doomsday news again?

  2. Really! Gomers Fried Chichen in South Kansas City. And not one new busiess opening up or hiring people in the whole country.Come on Lynn lets see if there really is balance.

  3. Lynn
    Look at the closings under Bush. Many many more on same date. Stop the deception.
