Monday, November 19, 2012

Quote of the Day - Marco Rubio

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"The way to turn our economy around is not by making rich people poorer; it's by making poor people richer."

~ Sen. Marco Rubio

Speaking at Iowa governor Terry Branstad's birthday fundraiser on Saturday night.
“The way to turn our economy around is not by making rich people poorer; it’s by making poor people richer,” Rubio said.

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  1. I am sorry, this is not right nor logical, although Rubio might like it to look that way. The rich in the USA need to pay more taxes, they pay so little in comparison to all others, the ratio and proportion of taxes needs to be the same for them or even more. Even many wealthy people feel they should pay more like Warren Buffet.

    The combined net worth of the 2012 class of the 400 richest Americans is $1.7 trillion, up from $1.5 trillion a year ago. The average net worth of a Forbes 400 member is a staggering $4.2 billion, up from $3.8 billion, and the highest ever, as two-thirds of the individuals added to their fortunes in the past year. Another factor: the gap between the very rich and the merely rich is widening. Only two in the top 20 are poorer, and as a group they are worth $73 billion more than a year ago.

    The country’s three richest entrepreneurs drove much of those gains, continuing to add billions to their net worth, even as they give money away. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison, who hold onto their respective spots at numbers 1, 2 and 3, were up $7 billion, $7 billion and $8 billion, respectively. Ellison’s $8 billion jump was the biggest dollar gain of anyone on the list this year. Pals Gates and Buffett are also the most generous people on the planet, having given $28 billion and $17.5 billion to date, respectively, including $1.5 billion that Buffett gave away since the last rich list.

    The rich need to pay in more, no wonder why some are so generous, what's a few billion for them? They are the reason why the poor get poorer, they need to help out their fellow man and give back. It is the Christian thing to do too.

  2. The reason why the wealthy donate so much, like these guys is because then they even get greater tax breaks, do you really think that all the generosity is coming from their hearts? I do not think so, they have other personal/financial motives. The rich need to pay higher tax rates like they do in other countries. The Europeans pay much higher tax rates than we do here.

  3. It is all a vicious cycle, the rich also use their power and influence to effect laws and/or over look them. Like illegal immigration, drunks abusing alcohol or alcohol sales, just to sell to drunks or communities, like we have where drunks are all over, getting more and more buying more beer, selling iphone so expensive, when it costs $26 to make the phone yet sell it for $500, the corporate greed and influence rich use to make more and more off the poorer or havenots is a vicious cycle, growing to get more from them or have cheaper labor to make more. There are so many examples of this, pharmacological companies do the same thing in cahoots with doctors, putting people on so many drugs just to make money, although they know if a person just changes their diet or eats healthier they can cure and heal themselves, they do not want cures, the rich and big business have all of us fooled. It is all about more $ for them. So yes, let these greedy whore-mangers pay more, absolutely!

  4. He's not a scientist, man! Apparently not an economist either.

  5. Unfortunately, Rubio does sit on the science committee.

    Hey, no mention of West finally accepting defeat? Kickin' the dark warrior to the curb, straight into hispanic love-fest instead?

  6. Allen will be back, never fear. You had your fun beating the "dark" stallion but then, you said you were not as patriotic as I.

  7. Cerabino, a Democrat, is a total jackoff.

  8. Democrats grasp at straws and make mountains out of molehills. Such silly nonsense.
