Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Obama Impeachment Petition

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Some good points--

Click to read


  1. A lot of what he is doing is good and trying to make things more fair for ALL people.

    I don't agree though with forcing people to buy insurance and having to show evidence of it on your taxes or pay a fine. This is an example of giving in to BIG BUSINESS, which I do not agree with.

    There are something that are wrong, but a lot that is good too, we need to focus on the good, and the bad will all be weeded out or dropped soon anyway.

  2. Quote "There are something that are wrong, but a lot that is good too, we need to focus on the good, and the bad will all be weeded out or dropped soon anyway."

    NO.. NO.. NO.. we need to focus on the BAD so it doesn't get Badder....just like my English!

  3. What precisely is good?

  4. Unemployment is down, the stock market has doubled from a 70 year low in 4 years, we're out of Iraq, soon to be out of Afghanistan, no more wars, the U.S. has a President that is willing to stand up for all Americans and not just the wealthy, insurance companies can't deny anyone with a preexisting health issue. Need more good?
    I know it's difficult to see the good through the black cloud the right wing entertainment complex keeps you under but give it a try. Things are getting better.

  5. Looks like 28,850 people just wasted their time and ink.

  6. who in their right minds would sign their name to anything against Obama?! They will be the FIRST ones his brown coats come to put in prison!!!
