Thursday, November 15, 2012

Peter's final word

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  1. He sure did F--- us - and we did not even enjoy it!

  2. I want to sue. I have had a pot hole in back of my house for over a year that never gets fixed. It is ruining my tires. Do you think I can collect?

  3. Was that taken at our beach?

  4. He better save those pointing fingers for when he gets hemorrhoids.From the way he is posing he has some big hangers.

  5. Peter did not screw the city the city screwed themsevles. It goes to show a relentless determination to stick to the plan works. How easy it is to dupe willing individuals into a buy in. This is one of the easiest cities to work in. Home is where your herat is not where your money is.

  6. I guess in the long run, 1,600,000 plus 800,000 is a small price to pay for our public beach to remain public.We were sick with corruption in this town,on the Commission, the P&Z, the CRA,city staff.All that corruption had to be vomited up(to the tune of 16,800,000). Now hopefully we can begin to recover. And we still,in spite of the odds against it, have our public beach.

  7. Lynn, just a little sanity advice for you, maybe you need to take a vacation away from Lake Worth. Go on a cruise, visit Rome or all of Europe, get away from all the city and Obama issues that make you suicidal. It may help a lot. Sometimes you just need to step aside and remove yourself from all the issues for a while and clear your head, it really helps a lot. There will always be all these problems, we just cannot get so wrapped up into all of this. Take a nice long vacation, no blogs, no city meetings, no news, get away from it all, it will help dear.

  8. Don't leave. Then we'de have to read Wes and all that revisionist stuff.

  9. Agreed, true, Wes' blog is horrible, filled with lies and lots of sensationalizing everything, he is a piece of work, how can someone like that win an award, look what he posted the other day about Lynn with the pinkie thing, he is very sad, rude, and attacking, very vile and disgusting, I am so glad Wes never became a commissioner, he a nasty evil spirit, he won;t even post many comments if he doesn't agree with them, he likes to cover up truth often. I do not support his blog at all.

  10. The fact is--Lynn gets three times the readership of Wes. Wes can't stand that. He has to be right all of the time. The only way he can get hits are holding Lynn up as a target and from those who he has turned against Anderson. He gets his sick jollies off on this. He has convinced them that he is the only one they should listen to. The people spoke twice and didn't vote for him. They spoke a third time and did not accept his candidate, Stafford.

  11. I blame this lousy commissison. They want to settle everything and give away our money. It's not their money for christ sake.

  12. IMO, the only thing Willard deserved was a counter-suit by the City of Lake Worth for messing up our pool. He never performed under the contract. We should sue him now--it's not too late--and get back our $1.6 mil. Oh well, it's only a fantasy.

  13. To the total moron who just attempted to post here, there is nothing to apologize for. Truth hurts, pal. Perhaps you can get a job with Brian Joslyn...both of you belong together. You are obviously in bed together or listen to another blogger too much and get all of this revisionist history.

    It's a small price to pay in the end to get rid of a scam artist. Unfortunately, the City got scammed from the very beginning--fell for it all, hook, line and sinker. It was this commission that caved in. It was a past commission that should have hired a new attorney.

  14. If one is looking to cast blame, start with Dave Vespo who brought GB to our City. He was then aided by Retha Lowe and Nadine Burns who engaged GB in the public/ priivate "partnership".
    All of these Cmrs. ignored Barbara Jean Weber's report that she had overheard the principals of GB saying " We're gonna f... them so good, they won't even know they have been f...ed." at a meeting before the contract was drawn up.

    Next culprits, 2 $250/hr attorneys from Boose, Casey, et al who sat through the two full days negotiations with Paul Boyer and GB and whose firm then drew up the charter violating contract. One usually can count on $500/hr in legal fees to provide some due diligence on a prospective partner, but these 2 and their firm were asleep at the wheel at our expense.
    Add Paul Boyer who also neglected to investigate the background of the proposed partner.
    Corey O'Gorman got $90/hr to hold Peter Willard's hand- I believe the bill came to near $100K. He accomplished nothing for these payments except lining his own pockets and where is he now, drawing NSP funds from the CRA.
    The you have Brian Joslyn, Larry Karns, and Elaine Humphreys all of whom said GB's likley suit would have no merit.
    Brian Joslyn might have recognized that if Holland and Knight was taking the case, that there was some merit in it, and could have saved us $700K of the $800K his firm charged by offering to settle in the beginning. I imagine that Willard would have had a hard time turning down $1M had it been worked up to slowly.
    Brian Joslyn's blaming former Cmrs. and local citizens who recognized the wolf in sheeps clothing, was trying to take heat off himself and his firm for the unnecessary expense he created by his thinking he would prevail over the more reputable firm Holland and Knight. He has always seemed to have had a big ego and it got in the way of his vision to our detriment.

  15. Facts never change,Boose(now in jail?) Casey Cicklin ,knew the 90 day Contractual,Nov.2006, Condition for Greater bay to produce their finances,proof of funding ability for the Beach project was never honored. february 2007Throughout 2008 still no finances submitted by flim flam artists,no proof of funding ability,2008 same flaky story,Brian Joslyn did what?Is he a lawywer?What constitutes breach of Contract?Not fulfilling the most basic condition,for any municipal,Fedral project,Financials,proof of Funding ability,does not,Brian?Why do we pay such entity? Vicious Rodney Romano protegee,Idiots Nadine Burns and Retha Lowe who forced signature of the G.B. Contract with Weasel banker of PNCB Dave Vespo,did not see that one of several violations of the Contract ,just signed it,and are liable for its' finacials consequences.Lkae Worth amilicious Citizens always get their dishonest,vicious,stupid friends in to Commissions,so enjoy!.
    Brian Joslyn who wrote the Contract ,did not know the 20 year limit of our Charter?No due dililgence as a Lawywer?Why is he even listened to? Reputable Lawfirm:Lewis Longman and Walker knew the illegal conditions of the Brian Joslyn created Contract,with,40 year lease,no proof of funding in 90 days,not even 2 years, unlimited construction period(100years).If vicious stupid Nadine Burns and Lowe had read it(not understood it), with alledgedly accurate banker Vespo, we would not have had the Contract signed, as usurped Mayor Marc Drautz before reading it,would not.Wasn't Boose endicted?Where is he now?
    Brian Joslyn,Citizens have no voting rights in Contractual obligations of a City,just pay taxes, did you know that???
