Saturday, November 10, 2012

Obama's war on America's energy industry

Because of Obama's win, an Ohio coal company, Murray Energy Company, has just laid off 160 workers at four plants.  Because of stringent rules by the Environmental Protection Agency and the possibility of a carbon tax, both could lead to the "total destruction of the coal industry in the United States by as early as 2030. We need to look at the automobile industry to start building lighter vehicles instead of just giving them billions of dollars in bailouts.  See the video.

We continue to make the Mid-East wealthy and we will experience higher oil and gas prices now that Obama has been re-elected because of his reluctance to explore our own natural resources and  become less dependent on expensive foreign oil or, for that matter, self-sufficient. The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The Canadian Pipeline company that wants to build another oil pipeline to carry crude oil to Gulf Coast refineries remains optimistic in spite of the Obama win. Environmental groups, that scream the loudest, are saying that it could hurt undergound water supplies and create air pollution.

1 comment:

  1. You left out an important fact they probably didn't tell you over at Fox News. The same guy owns a mine in Utah where 6 people were killed and the same guy had to pay a million dollar fine because of negligence at his mine. This job provider has a long history of dangerous work conditions for his employees and a total disregard for the environment.
    6 people died. More people than died at Benghazi. You always show support for standup guys.
