Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pugliese Padded his Pockets?

A few years ago I wrote a few blogs on Mr. Pugliese, a resident of Gulfstream, as it was highly suggested that it was he who wanted to get hold of Lake Worth's 19 acre beach property. This, of course, got my interest. He is connected through business and family connections with one of our business owners and his tentacles are wide.

Today he is back in the news for allegedly defrauding Fred Deluca of Subway fame regarding the 41,000 development of planned sprawl known as Destiny, south of Orlando in Osceola County near Yeehaw Junction, Florida. Read more... at the Palm Beach Post.

Past Lynn's Little bit of Trivia blogs written about Anthony Pugliese:

Anthony Pugliese

5 billion dollar law suit filed

We need growth management and the DCA

Mr. Sunshine and connecting the Dots

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