Monday, October 22, 2012

Jim Stafford Question #4

Comment Up

Our downtown is not just for developers; the downtown is about buildings and people. As our downtown is a "walkable" city, those who shop, dine and sit at the sidewalk tables want to be able to walk and talk in the sun, not in the shadows. They want to look up and see the sky and the sun. This is what attracts people to our downtown, not tall buildings that cast a shadow on everything.


  1. I belive at the last debate Mr. Stafford said, it will be decided by the people in March. That sounds a hell of a lot different than he wants 6 story buildings downtown.

  2. HELL,HELL,HELL,Of course he is going to go with what Blackman and Loretta want,two losers.they want to take back dist 2, take it back from what?

  3. I belive that is what is in the comp plan right now, that was voted for by the people... So what the problem is He wants what the people want, and you don't.

  4. What the people want, at least the people I know, is what was decided at the Tri-Meeting in January--45 and 35 feet downtown.

  5. The height of buildings does not affect the ability to walk around a city. NYC is one of the most walked cities and there is plenty of sun and light on the street. In fact, we have more people around the Lucerne than any other part of our downtown. The best area to have a shop is by the Lucerne. You can say you hate it but the fact is its a success. I will vote to allow our city to build higher because it's the right thing to do.

  6. The only thing I've heard him say is that the Charter, Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations should complement each other. So if the people vote to lower the building height beyond what the Commission did, we should match up the LDR's and the Comp Plan,

  7. Maybe that is what was at the tri board meeting, but it is not what is in the CHARTER. The tri meeting that was a joke, we do not even have a recording of it. So maybe you want 45, and 35 feet, but with no recording it is what you and your cronies say was said but have NO way to prove it....

  8. I really take offense at the tone you interjected in your comment. To answer it and proving it, all people have to do is tell THE FREAKING TRUTH. I was there. Were you? You were there, Loretta. Because Maxwell and Triolo, etc. want to choose to forget what was said, (include Blackman too), is a problem we have in this city--"convenient memory." Everyone at that table had a responsibility to see that this meeting was recorded. It doesn't let them off the hook and to use that as an excuse for not remembering what was said.

  9. I was down there the other night sitting in front of Kilwans and looking at the crescent moon. It was a gorgeous view.

  10. go live in New York. this is lake worth.

  11. What those losers on the PNZ and the
    the Hist.B wanted is 45 feet. To bad they are advisory and the Commission
    has the finally vote. Now you went out and got 17+ hundred signatures and the people will vote in March.
    So what is your problem?

  12. Lynn, at 5:11 I believe it was Mr. Waters that was at the Golf Course All day setting up for the meeting with his staff. When I arrived a good 25 minutes before you, he said to me that everything was set and ready to go.. How can this be everyone's responsibility if he was the person in Charge. And No this is not Loretta
