Joe Biden was a complete jerk last night--rude beyond imagination. The behavior of the Vice President was contemptuous--interrupting Ryan at every point, smirking, and at times just not telling the truth.
Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan were the two candidates on stage at Thursday’s vice presidential debate, but a third character emerged: Joe Biden’s laugh, which didn’t escape the notice of tweeting politicos. (And led, of course, to at least three satirical Twitter accounts:
Laughing Joe Biden, Biden Smirk, and yet another Laughing Joe Biden.)
Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway: “Joe Biden’s laughing through talking about Iran sanctions?”
TIME’s Michael Scherer: “Not sure debate cameras have been light tested for Biden’s teeth. Best to watch with sunglasses.”
Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”
(PHOTOS: Joe Biden over the years)
NBC’s David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.”
Read more... at Nice Deb.
I see the kool-aid drinkers are already out this morning. Biden made a mockery of the whole debate process last night. Not only did Biden interrupt 82 times, so did the moderator on numerous occasions. Maybe Paul Ryan should have invited her to his wedding.
ReplyDeleteLet’s see, Biden mocked, sneered, laughed (inappropriately), was condescending, rude, shaked his finger, rolled his eyes, lied his ass off about Libya and their green energy scams and was an all around complete ass wipe. Then he had the nerve to bitch about time while stepping all over Paul Ryan every time Ryan spoke. If that’s the way you liberals think you win a debate, keep hittin that crack pipe.
Thanks drunk uncle Joe for making Paul Ryan look presidential and likable before he ever even made one point.
He kept interrupting Ryan to make him look like a buffoon. Not dignified for a current VP being a bully.
ReplyDeleteBiden looked like a giggling escapee from the Altzheimer ward of a Nursing home.His despcable lie, not receiving the 31 desperate request from our Benghazi Diplomatic Post for additonal security from April till August is beyond contempt! All dipl.posts have constant communication with the Home land according to rules and regulations and protocol.Obama from West Chicago gangland org.was not brought up at Diplomatic level,therefore lies about receiving warnings and bad security if Benghazi American Post.Our local informants alerted Amb.Stevens of an imminent 9/11 Al-Quaeda attack in celebration of their New York Victory.Video of moment of attack shows no guard(one ran inside unarmed, and only 4 Al-quaeda attackers with rocket propelled grenades,blew up the Post burning the victims alive! Happy Obama??Senile lying Biden???not as Obama lied, that night a whole mob attacked.Obama proved videos tell Americans the truth Obama/giggling senile Biden do not.The parents of the 4 murdered young men are proud of the lying White House and thrashy Obama sent, with allowing 82 interruptions, in 90 minutes debate??? moderator????
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to those unnecessary victims of White House negligence.The buck stops at the White House(Truman)!