Friday, September 7, 2012

You can't fix stupid

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I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message

After watching the conventions, the Democrats have the lead for the biggest exaggerators. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was proved the liar we always knew her to be. Bill Clinton, as much as I have always admired him as a leader of the U.S and free world became a hypocrite for the Party. Associated Press Fact check


  1. As a senior Lynn you get the benefit of Social Security and Nedicare. Both ofthe programs were started by democrats and both are social programs that share the wealth of this nation. Can you tell me one social program that the republicans have started that has helped our society in such a way. Be careful what you wish for. Your rebublican leaders could backfire on what you have come to depend on to live a decent life in your old age.

  2. The Republican Party is addressing the unsustainability of Medicare and says that it must be fixed. I believe that both Parties, if they wanted to be honest, would agree. Also they are saying that because people are living longer now, social security must be addressed in order to not run out of money. I agree with them. Does that make me bad? It is being responsible as leaders.

  3. Republicans introduced and strongly supported the welfare reform of 1996, which was signed into law by Democratic President Clinton, and which limited eligibility for welfare, successfully leading to many former welfare recipients finding jobs.

  4. Addressing it is one thing changing it to voucher's that do shit is another.... Vote for the loser if you want. IMO Obama is The best man running in this election.

  5. I don't know why you think Romney is a loser. However, if it makes you happier, I believe that Obama will win.

  6. To anon at 8:57 could not agree with you more, he is a loser.But the bright side of this is even Lynn agree she is supporting another loser.

  7. How can you support a guy who has made his fortune destroying Amereican jobs, puts his money in Swiss bank accounts to avoid taxes, refuses to release his tax returns, tells us he will create jobs with no explanation of how he intends to do it, is against health care but created the same system in MA, said he was in favor of a womans right to chose but than said he was against it, has no foreign policy experience and insults our biggest alli on hos first offical trip abroad and has no clue how the rest of us live?

  8. I am not going to respond to Democratic propaganda. Just Google to answer your own false or pointless statements.

  9. For your guest that told you that you should watch what you wish for. My wish is that the Democrats stop being soooooo stupid. Here are some facts to combat their lies.

    Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
    Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
    1.) That participation in the Program would be completely voluntary,
    2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the Program,
    3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year,
    4.) That the money the participants put into the independent ‘Trust Fund’ rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would
    only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program, and,
    5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

  10. If you can't debate the facts about your boy Mitt you resort to just saying the dacts are lies. No proof to support this position is ever given. As to Rosevelt's promise, did you ever wonder who voted to change the system? Should every government program stay the same forever. Fact is many of us depend ob these programs to live. If we did not have them life would be very hard for many old people. I can see no republican position that in any way is looking after the well being of senoirs. Sad but true.

  11. How can you support a guy like Obama Who has DESTROYED American jobs, refuses to release his college transcripts thus proving oNCE and for all if he even attend college, refuses to clear up his birth certificate issue tells us he will create jobs with no explanation of how he intends to do it, is for health care that we can't afford and will fine anyone not purchasing it, said he was for traditional marriage and now changes his mind, has no foreign policy experience and insults our biggest ally in the middle east Israel and won't do anything about Iran's threat of nuclear weapons, a guy who sold arms to Mexico to use against our border control. someone who has pushed up the national debt to over $16 TRILLION dollars?

