Friday, September 7, 2012

Tax hikes under Obama

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Under Obama, nearly 63% of tax filers with incomes between $100,000 and $200,000 would see a larger tax burden, but the average increase would be less than $500, according to the Policy Tax Center.

But those making $200,000 to $500,000 -- of whom 73% would get a tax hike -- would pay $4,942 more on average.

Read more at CNN Money.


  1. Wow, someone making $500,000 a year would have to pay an addition $4700 a year. That's so sad. Under conservative policies during the Bush 8 years none of the wars were paid for and the deficit doubled. I always though that conservatives advocating paying our bills. But that would have required a tax increase for Bush's weathly friends. So Bush borrowed the money. By the time he left office we were in the worse ecomic mess since the great depression. Can you explain why I should trust a republican conservative?

  2. I don't think you should trust anyone unless they are growing our government and growing our debt. To put $16 trillion in perspective, our national debt is larger than the total economies of China, the United Kingdom, and Australia combined. Over the last year, the government borrowed approximately $2.5 million every minute...something Obama did NOT tell you.

  3. If Mr. Obama wins re-election, and his budget projections prove accurate, the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term. That would mean the Debt increased by 87 percent, or $9.34 trillion, during his two terms. that is why a conse4rvative and change is needed.

  4. So you belive that a conservative government that refuses to raise taxes will solve everything. If that was the case Bush should have triple Clinton's surplus when he was in office. Bush went through all the money and spent even more on wars that were never paid for. So why should I believe we will get change with conservatives. Before Bush left office he spent 700 million in a stimulus to try to create jobs. He sent every taxpayer a check to try to get folks to spend. What true conservative would do that? Paul Ryan voted for the stimulus and supporter millions in free money to major industries in his state. he now wants to screw the middle class but has no problem giving big government breaks to the rich. Something is wrong here.
