Sunday, September 9, 2012

What Obama Inherited

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Politicians are always playing the blame game or passing the buck. But nearly 4 years of it? Come on.

“I love my brother, he is a man of integrity, courage and honor. During incredibly challenging times, he kept us safe. Mr. President, it is time to stop blaming your predecessor for your failed economic policies. You were dealt a tough hand but your policies have not worked,” said Jeb Bush.


  1. If you can't understand that today's financial mess is a hangover from the Bush administration's bad policies and that it's going to take longer for the economy to recover from the worst recession in 75 years you'll never be able to understand anything.
    But you keep posting those graphics from right wing blogs it makes you look informed.

  2. Obama ran on the idea of FIXING the mess--give free enterprise a chance as Obama has made things worse. You forget why Obama got elected.

    P.S. got news for ya-- I am a right wing blog.

    P.P.S. You get ALL of your information from left wing blogs, etc. So, what's your point?

  3. "Republican-speak"

    "Sound Jurisprudence" = court rulings conservatives like

    "Judicial Activism" = court rulings conservatives despise.

    "Special Interests" = lobbyists conservatives don't like

    "Industry Spokesmen = lobbyists on the conservative payroll

    "Law and Order" = government enforcing laws conservatives like

    "Government Interference" = laws conservatives don't like

    "Militia leaders" = armed locals with conservative ideas

    "Warlords" = armed foreigners who frighten conservatives

    "Protection of Strategic Interest" = US interventionism

    "Violation of Sovereign Boundaries" = when anyone else does it

    "Welfare Queen" = federal handouts to people

    "Vital Subsidy" = federal handouts to corporations

    "Public Servant" = conservative congressmen

    "Career Politician" = liberal congressmen

    "Unemployment" = people out of work under Democratic Administrations

    "Labor surpluses" = people out of work under Republican Administrations

    "Resolute" = a conservative blundering ahead when all evidence points to his/her chosen course being completely wrong

    "Waffling" = a liberal displaying thoughtfulness or weighing all the options

    "Naked Aggression" = When a country conservatives don't like invade another country

    "Pre-emptive Self Defense = When a country conservatives like invades another country

    "Enforcing the will of the people" = When a Republican politician pushes an issue the public at large agrees with

    "Exhibiting political courage" = When a Republican politician pushes issue the public at large doesn't agree with

    "Debt under a Democratic president" = Fiscally irresponsible

    "Debt under a Republican president that's even larger" = Fiscally conservative

  4. the debt under Obama is twice that under Bush. Who wrote all that crap? A left winged blog?

  5. Thank you for posting these graphics. I find them very informative. Sounds like the guy at 8:45 needs to go back to bed and get some sleep or turn on Fox News and learn something.
