Sunday, September 9, 2012

Strolling on the Avenue in Lake Worth and Jim Stafford

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Usually a few months before a local election, you will see the candidates at Evening on the Avenues, passing out campaign literature or just stopping to introduce themselves to the folks.

Jim Stafford, Candidate for District 2, was on the Avenue Friday night with his entire family. They did the complete stroll, stopped and talked to a few people they knew. He even thanked me for my blog stating that he got 2 campaign contributions out of it totaling $1,000. We believe politicians especially those in Lake Worth.

Stafford had to compete with the Democrats that have rented space from Herman Robinson and they were opened for business Friday night.  Union and Democratic sympathizers had a function in front of the Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery on Solidarity Forever.  One Republican told me he was thinking of changing to Democrat...was that a good idea, he asked me. There was a union song book passed out as well as some speakers glorifying unions through inception. It has to do with what they say is "working for peace and social justice."

I have been told that Stafford is behind an up and coming attack blog dedicated solely to and written about me to discredit and malign, the same things he is famous for just a few years ago.  If so, it will prove that nothing has changed in Lake Worth.


  1. Lynn thanks again for a great blog. Are you worth a hate blog by the small but vocal malcontent cabal in lake Worth?I guess they think so! Congratulations my friend,keep poking them in their ample behinds with the truth! On the issue of Obama- I was listening to the local news report(not a talk show,the LOCAL NEWS)and it had the head of the Palm Beach County Red Cross food bank on begging for food donations. According to the Red Cross,they are down to rice and green beans. Four more years of Obama? I don't think that we have enough rice and green beans to last that long.

  2. Just remember"Lake Worthless Jim Stafford"'s website constantly degrading Lake Worth as the worst City, a worthless.. I cannot repeat his kind of language.
    So tell this hypocrate to get lost, to a City which his own worhless life, considers worthwhile for his 4 worthless Lake Worthers,born in OUR Lake Worth, Jim Stafford convinced,is Lake Worthless.
    He wants Lake Worthless according to his unhealthy opinion, Hypocryte, Worthless to Lake Worth, Jim Stafford,needs FREE Health Insurance now with 4 of his in his opinion born Lake Worthless brood,and wants all Lake Worthless Suckers, to pay for his FREE Health Insurance by making him a Commissioner of in his opinion,Lake Worthless!Hahahah!

    Lake Worth Citizens,will not be insulted ,then pay for that bums' Health Insurance, to prove the we are all stupid suckers!!! like in the case of the new City Manager, hired without record check,like Greater bay,which Citizens found out had 92 Judgements,sues us for $40,000,000,-
    Lake Worth Citizens,have a long memory and are not all stupid. Why would any thinking Lake Worth Citizen vote for this disgusting, hostile character, who wants Lake Worth to pay for his FREE Healthinsurance, which all Commissioners get,we pay for.Remeber this when you hear arrogance.They have their hands out to us for pay, not we to them!
    Let us all take our socially established places! Stand your ground.Ignore this master of spewing the most vituperous,toxic writings, a reflection on his own life and mental state!

  3. I heard it was Mark

  4. I see Jim on FNOTA, usually with a camera and complaining that there aren't more family orientated activities-vendors-open shops.
    As for Lake Worthless, i think he was right to object to the crime, Staff waste and agenda driven elected officials that weren't helping the community. since you Lynn were complaining about the same things, are you now a backer of Jim Stafford?

  5. Lakeworthlessutiltiies complained about our electric company. Give me some specifics of "agenda driven elected officials" and what was passed. Please be specific. Were there one or two issues or a dozen of them and how did they all affect LW.
    Is there any reason why I would be a backer" of Stafford when I was one of the main subjects of his daily attacks for years? Stafford needs to apologize to a bunch of folks for his attack blogs but if I were in his shoes or advising him in his campaign, I would let the subjects die too and prove that he can run a decent campaign.

  6. what is FNOTA? Ok, so he is a young guy with a family. What is he looking for in lake worth? A ferris wheel, a slide, a kiddy pool? Why does government have to supply entertainment for him?

  7. Commissioners Jennings and Golden were unfailing advocates of the Electric Utility while I remember Jim being one of the first critics of the high electric costs and the waste in the Electric CIP.
    Commissioner McVoy has not fulfilled his campaign promises of being an effective communicator with Staff and FMPA because of his special knowledge of terms and Language. I liked Jim's direct response to the Electric Utility question on Wes Blackman's blog.
    To be fair Lynn, you have been very divisive on a number of topics and certainly on the losing end of many election campaigns and ballot issues. Jim hasn't been the only person in Lake Worth to side with the majority against your positions.

  8. Oh, is he one of those socialists and wants govt to give him everything? Didn't he help Rachel Waterman? Is he confused?

  9. Yes, I am an advocate of keeping our electric utility and I was an advocate of going with the 13.2kv. I have said that management is the key to everything in Lake Worth, not getting rid of assets but managing them better. Human resources is another thing entirely.

    I have been on the side of reason. Sometimes you win some and sometimes you lose. I am and have always been for sustainable and reasonable growth, lowering elec rates when possible, etc. The problem we have is our unfunded union benefits liability that will prevent us from reducing rates too much. We'll see how our new energy provider will work out in this regard.

    But I'm not running for election. If you believe that my giving an opinion that differs from yours is being "divisive," then you have no knowledge of the word.

  10. Mcvoy not an effective communicator with staff? What does that mean? He is supposed to communicate with the city manager, not staff.

  11. McVoy claimed a special knowledge of terminology for talking with staff--they will be confident dealing with somebody who knows their language. Instead all we hear is "they are well grounded and we should listen to them" and "Staff is working on this stuff every day and know better than us here on the dais".
    Lynn, you strongly advocated to get rid of the waste and claimed graft & corruption in the utilities CIP and operations---just like Lakeworthless.

  12. My objection, anonymous to the Lakeworthless blog, especially the LakeWorthTalk blog, were the character assassinations of citizens in this city happened 24/7 who disagreed with Stafford on any point. He may or may not have had some valid points on an issue but unfortunately if there were any, they were over-shadowed by the personal hate attacks on his web site.

    Staff Heads do know far more than the city commission on just about everything. I only object when information is withheld so that the commission can not make an informed decision or staff goes around its authority.

  13. Lynn You start a Blog about anything.
    All the anonymous Bloggers come on and post character assassinations,
    are you responsible for what they posts?

  14. There is just a small minority of residents who like to post vile comments--99% of the comments coming from the handful don't make it on the blog. Now that Stafford is running, I would not be surprise to see more vile comments. Some people and their supporters just can't help themselves, at least not in this city. They talk about bringing people together but that is really the furthest thing from their mind. We shall see, though. Anything is possible I suppose.

    People are responsible for their own actions. Putting the blame on the other guy just doesn't cut it.

    I start a blog about anything????...sounds like a complaint.

  15. Stafford started his blog after getting P.O'd about the electric utility. It branched out and took most comments without censoring them like you do. Many of them were attacking him relentlessly including you.

    He was always up in arms about Lake Worth Utilities and it's still his main interest.

    You seem to blame him for all the posters comments that in some cases were over the top, you say vile. But you make the same claim about Wes' blog, which does the same thing. Wes posts a topic and then posts responses from his readers. I don't know how many he censors, but I would think it is a lot less than you. Therefore "he" is responsible for the opinions of his readers?

    Just name a couple of things that McVoy has spearheaded. O.K., just one....

    I want to see what someone who is REALLY passionate about our out of control electric utility, can do with a group of like minded leaders.

    Go Jim.

  16. I don't really care about his Lake Worthless blog although the name of it is coming back to haunt him. It was his LW talk blog that was so bad. In fact, on his blog, people had numerous handles and were the same people posting vile crap. Do you think that people should defend themselves from personal attacks or just let bullies pound all over them like Stafford did?



  17. What is out of control about our utility? We rob nearly $10 mil from it to run this city and keep the union employees in full benefits for life so that they can retire at age 55 and get their full salary. Do something about that.

  18. Lynn, I said you post about anything.
    It was not a complaint. You could post anything and people would post
    terrible things about who every they dislike. Would you be responsible for those posts.
    Is Mr. Stafford responsible for those
    posts on Lake Worth Talks

  19. Ok. You don't seem to want to acknowledge t4e purpose of Stafford's blog, Lake Worth Talk. It was not to bring information of any was to attack the opposition in LW politics. Once you recognize this basic truth, we will be getting somewhere. To compare what I do and what he did, is comparing rotten apples to oranges.

  20. But Lynn, you forgot to answer the One Most Important Question asked on this blog, Name ONE thing that Mcvoy has spearheaded???

  21. You can read the right side of this blog and see ALL THE THINGS he voted against that this trio/"visionary" commission voted for.

    I don't think anyone has to spearhead anything--just vote correctly for all the right reasons.

  22. I never knew what hate and venom was until I spoke up against Synergetic, Srednicki and Adair on the 26.4 kV conversion. Talking reason to Stafford and his ilk was like beating my head against the wall. Making them understand that the conversion was going to bankrupt the city was even more difficult. We finally had to wait until the conversion went bust before we had any feeling of satisfaction in the fact that I, ultimately "WE", were correct in initial assessment.
