Monday, September 24, 2012

The American Dream and Deferred Action

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Homeland Security document on Deferred Action.

On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would not deport certain DREAM Act–eligible undocumented youth. Under a directive from the secretary of DHS, these youth will be given a type of temporary permission to stay in the U.S. called “deferred action.” Deferred action will be valid for two years and may be renewed at the end of the two years. Individuals who receive deferred action may apply for and may obtain employment authorization.

The federal government began accepting deferred action requests on August 15, 2012. Read more... at the National Immigration Law Center.

As previously mentioned, the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department has issued 2,000 identification cards to illegal aliens so that they can open bank accounts and become more "legal." Now the City is allowing the PBSO to use a public building and will have an Information Session at our Shuffleboard Court Building for all those illegals looking to be a part of Obama's Deferred Action. The session will be on October 4 from 6:30 to 8:00pm.

Obama and the Democrats like to tell you that walking across our borders is not an illegal action and they want you to call these people undocumented, not illegal because there is no such thing as "illegal." Illegal immigration is the act of living in a country uninvited and without documentation. However, those people defending the undocumented people give legalese and quote the 14th Amendment which affirms that neither the federal government nor state governments may "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Journalist with the Huffington Post, Jose Antonio Vargas, an admitted illegal alien, is calling on all news outlets to drop the use of the term “illegal immigrant.” We will see the liberal press following this advice.

We all can recall Arizona SB 1070 when our city commission issued a proclamation against it. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion on it saying, “As a general rule, it is not a crime for a movable alien to remain in the United States.” Being in the U.S. without proper documents is a civil offense, not a criminal one, or so we are being told.

Obama is giving certain illegals the documentation that they need.  Illegal aliens are NOT immigrants however those children brought here by their parents, and through no fault of their own, have been given a bad rap. For more information, see Benito Gaspar who was being paid by a JAG grant to help the illegal alien in Lake Worth...561-202-9629

Benito giving a thumbs up when the Lake Worth City Commission did not support Arizona 1070.


  1. They can[t learn English,but they sure have the hand gestures down! Good luck to all American citizens unable to find work.

  2. Stop all those crossing our borders illegally.

  3. Anonymous, these are photos that are not photo-shopped...they are 100% true. I should be covering up for arrogance by the illegal alien? I think not.

  4. Anonymous: Immigrants are not involuntarily trafficked here. They are trafficked here because they ask to be. Not only do they ask to be, they pay thousands of dollars to get help breaking the law and crossing our borders. I've been to Mexico, it's a wonderful country. And no, I didn't got to Cozumel, I was in Mex. City and the heart of the country. Sure, jobs are scarce, but how is that America's problem? Jobs are scarce here too now that the rest of the world has sent their unemployed here. At least Cuba sent us all their educated doctors, lawyers, and self made business people. The rest of the world sends us their drunks and criminals. Sorry, but I have no pity, we have our own problems to deal with, we can can't be the world savior any more. Time to enforce our immigration laws!

  5. "At least Cuba sent us all their educated doctors, lawyers and self made business people".
    Ever hear of the mariel boatlift? I know it was over 30 years ago, is ancient history and has long been forgotten but...
    That's when Castro (Fidel Castro) emptied Cuba's mental hospitals and jails and sent them all to south Florida.
    I forgot all of Cuba's educated doctors, lawyers and self made business people were living in insane asylums in 1980.
    The level of misinformation and ignorance on this blog is mind numbing.
