Monday, September 24, 2012

Lake Worth Running on Fumes says the PBPost

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Lake Worth was getting its act together under the former city manager. Now we are back to business as usual.

Read more at the Palm Beach Post and its editorial Lake Worth getting close to running on fumes.


  1. Guess all your regular haters and crybabies are calling Wes Black(cloud)man to get their talking points on this before they come over to blast you and the PBP.
    Our commission has been taken over by 2 small business owners and one feeding-at-the-gov't-trough lazy drunk, all tea party Republicans. They are apparently instituting their own small business strategy for our budget: Put on the rose-colored glasses, hope for better days, and don't look too far ahead cuz it gets ugly.
    Amendment 4 will surely wreak havoc for Lake Worth's budget. What is their strategy to deal with it once it passes? Kiss those reserves good bye, because this crew believes all we need is HOPE. Did I hear someone say we might have to look at the fire assessment again? Interesting. Some people will say anything to get elected, like Triolo and Amoroso. Can't wait to hear them dredge up 2009 for the umpteenth time and blame the previous commission for the self-inflicted mess they find themselves in. It's all Cara's fault!
    If you want to hear the "I'll say anything you want to hear so you'll vote for me" routine, come watch the Jim Stafford show tonight at the candidate's forum. Should be a very entertaining act by an accomplished clown. Written by Scott Maxwell, directed by Wes Blackcloudman, and produced by Mary Lindsey and all of her assistant clown face painters.

  2. In my twenty years of living in this city, I am not sure we have had one good city manager that I can say was really good, the last nor this current one have both been disappointments. Non of them ever want to work with citizens or really care what we think or want. They show no respect to the public. Many never return calls, emails, letters, or requests to meet with them. I am very disappointed with the mediocrity we have here in this city, county, state, and country. No one cares any more, no one answers to the people they are supposed to be serving.

  3. What you say is true for the most part. But I will say this--city managers need to stay out of politics. Citizens really should go through their elected commissioner to get answers. There is a protocol and city managers are too busy to get involved --or they should be and they were not hired to be politicians. I don't find this to be necessarily true at the moment.

  4. Too bad Susan Stanton was fired. She stayed out of politics completely.
    Wait, does the ability to count to 3 have anything to do with politics?
    You know, I'll vote this way even though I know it's wrong for the city because voting this way will help me keep my job.
    Is that considered politics?

  5. You have Stanton confused with some other CM. CM Stanton made some unpopular decisions. She did not get along with Maxwell but who gets along with bullies? She got fired because of politics. She made one political decision and that was to keep Joe Kroll. That was a mistake.

  6. No,there is no reason to have an internal auditor ,is there? Where is all of the money that we save by recycling? Where does that 5$ charge on every cell phone in the city go? No,,, we don't need an internal auditor,,,,Thanks SCOTT

  7. If Stanton is such a savior of cities with a verifiable track record why is she still looking for a job?

  8. That question has been answered. She HAS a job. Next, every time she was in the running for a CM position, you folks sabotaged the process by hateful e-mails.
