Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Talk like a Pirate Day Proclamation

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Whereas, the City of Lake Worth is known to possess a spirit of independence, high spirits, and swashbuckling, all traits of a good pirate; and

Whereas, old pirate culture from the Caribbean is popular in TV shows, movies, literature, products, and rafting; and

Whereas, pirates are colorful, adventurous, mischievous and flamboyant; and

Whereas, two re-enactors, John Bauer and Mark Summers instituted International Talk Like A Pirate Day in 1995; and

Whereas, humorist Dave Barry liked the idea so much he promoted it in his nationally syndicated column in 2002, igniting a powder keg of followers worldwide; and

Whereas, it is fun to talk like a pirate by using words like Arrrrr, ye and bilge rat; and

Whereas, everyone would like to think they have a little bit of pirate spirit inside of themselves.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Pam Triolo, by virtue of the power vested in me as Mayor of the City of Lake Worth, do hereby proclaim

SEPTEMBER 19, 2012

And urge all citizens of Lake Worth as well as all the less worthy sailors and scaliwaygs in other communities to celebrate in a hearty and fun loving way on September 19th!

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Lake Worth, Florida to be affixed this 18th day of September, 2012.

Pam Triolo, Mayor



  1. Me thinks everyone is uts and not would too tight. Arghhhh.

  2. Does the city manager see himself as a Fawlty Towers kind of guy?
    Beloved as a sitcome but a little hard to take in real life.

  3. This has to be the most stupid idea ever in Lake Worth. Well, let's think. Who thought it up? Maybe that should be the poll. A distraction from some of the real issues of spending savings to run our city and growing heights.

  4. Pirates didn't wear bow ties.

  5. OK People, Even when we all disagree there is nothing like having a little fun to blow out some steam...

    I know we all just keep polarizing ourselves but for goodness sake can you stop just for one second and just say

    AAAARRRRGGGG Mate we will hang you from the mast and throw you to the sharks!

    Just a little humor - Robert Waples

  6. Google Krispy Kreme and pirate and see what they did for talk like a pirate day today ! (phew...we're not the only ones!)

  7. Well said RW! Thanks!
