Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama, a Socialist?

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Although this speech was back in 1998, we who pay attention know that he is a socialist in spite of the news media that says he isn't. The world knows it also and the writer from Pravda (earlier blog) says the entire world knows it. It is only we in the U.S. who won't admit it.

One example of  Obama's redistribution of wealth is his encouragement of more Americans to apply for food stamps. One in four people who are qualified per the government's standards don't apply for food assistance, generally the elderly who were raised under a totally different system and ethic. Two common types of governmental redistribution of wealth are subsidies and vouchers. These programs are funded through general taxation, but disproportionately benefit the poor, who pay fewer or no taxes. 46.4 million people are in the food stamps program, also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.

“Sowing social unrest and class resentment makes America weaker, not stronger,” Rep. Paul Ryan said in October 2011. Democrats have gone after the 1 percenters and want to raise taxes on the wealthy. They have demonized Mitt Romney for being wealthy and successful in our free enterprise system and have made a big issue of his not releasing his tax returns and that he is out of touch with ordinary people.

 Mitt Romney explained that the president believes in a "government-centered society where government plays a larger and larger role, provides for more and more of the needs of individuals and I happen to believe instead in a free enterprise, free society where people pursuing their dreams are able to employ one another, build enterprises, build the strongest economy in the world."

“The trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution? — because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure everybody has got a shot,”


  1. If Rommney believes he is being demonized, he should show the people his tax returns, let the people know exactly how much he paid in taxes, and let the people know how much he has hidden in overseas bank accounts. Then the people can make an informed choice.

  2. Well, you would think that...another distraction from the REAL issues that are facing this country.

  3. I'm sure since you pay attention you already know that it was Ronald Reagan that cut taxes for poor people. Right? You do know that. Right?
    Please let me know where I can find video of Obama encouraging people to apply for food stamps.
    Democrats just want the tax rates for the wealthy to go back to where they were before Bush cut them. And the economy was booming. The original plan was for 10 years. We who pay attention are well aware of this fact. Obama even extended them for another year. How is that "raising taxes"?
    Romney's past is what demonizes him. If he always did the right thing by people the democrats wouldn't have anything to say.
    How are we losing our freedoms? I certainly don't feel like I'm losing any freedom.

  4. Does it have to be a VIDEO? What about his Department of Agriculture radio messages? Do they count?

  5. Thoughtfully Inclusive One PercenterSeptember 19, 2012 at 10:32 PM

    I'm curious... how does the foaming-mouth post by Anon@5:52PM meet your vaunted comment guidelines?

    To wit:

    "Speak to the issue, not its author, or your comment will be rejected. And do not think for one minute of attacking this author. It ain't gonna happen. Do not attack other bloggers/citizens who post comments unless they post anonymously and you have signed in with your complete name..then you have my full blessing if you give facts to support your comments. Commenting on a public figure is okay but again, support the comment with facts. Keep it clean."

  6. You didn't think that was clean? Did you think that was false?

  7. Why the suprise? We all heard the discussion with Joe the Plumber. How many times do you have to ram your head into a wall to realize it is going to hurt?
