Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Out on a Limb - Conservative Democrats

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The Democratic Party is no longer the same Democratic Party where I have been registered to vote for 40 years. It has drastically changed.  Centrists and conservatives of the Party no longer can identify with many of the core values of the Party and we make up 15% of registered Democrats. We are out on a liberal limb in limbo. We are strangers in our own Party.

I don't know that exact moment when I got that grasp of reality. It wasn't an epiphany but it was close. It came in 2008 with Obama. Reverend Wright had a lot to do with it--he was the icing.

Many Democrats have drifted to the Republican ideals of limiting government and lowering taxes. Others are becoming Independents. We know that without reforming Medicare there will be NO Medicare. We also know that Social Security needs to be overhauled to keep it sustainable for future generations.

Democratic centrists and conservatives are the people who are critical to Obama's campaign. It is the Democratic conservatives' efforts that are needed to reform the party's platform on welfare, balancing the budget, reducing spending and waste, healthcare, Medicare and the anti-business image it has created. We can no longer spend more than we are taking in.  This is just a basic premise and we understand it. However, the Democrats are pushing us further away and out of the Party.

As they have made abortion a political issue, Democrats are allowing doctors to kill babies who came out of an abortion still alive or allow doctors to abort in the 8th or 9th month of a pregnancy.  We must protect the rights of the unborn in these instances. And as Mitt Romney said at the RNC, “The truest measure of any society is how it treats those who cannot defend or care for themselves.”

But it's not just how Democrats treat the defenseless, it is how they treat anyone who disagrees with them. This campaign is the most vicious in history and Romney has been accused of causing someone's death from cancer and Ryan has been compared to Joseph Goebbels, both insane lies of magnificent proportions. The Democrats have no honor.

We conservatives can only hope that others will also finally admit that liberal ideology is not working; socialism is not working and we need businesses to create jobs in this country, not big corporations off-shoring them for profits. Unions need to be contained. We need people to understand that it is the small business owner across this country that creates jobs in businesses they built with their own ingenuity and the risks they took...not unions or government telling them how to do it.

So, you have to ask yourself--Am I better off today than I was four years ago? There is still the American Dream. It's just getting harder to achieve under liberals.


  1. Four years ago our financial system was on the verge of collapse. The government talking about another great depression. Are we better off today then we were four years ago? Unfortunately for some like me we are. The American dream is just that a dream.

  2. It's not a dream. Too many people have experienced it. Through hard work, they have also achieved it. Perhaps within the last 4 years your personal circumstances have changed. Maybe you got a higher degree that allowed you to make more money. Maybe you worked hard at finding a better job. Perhaps through a good education, you were able to better yourself instead of sitting back and allowing the government to pay you for doing nothing.

  3. This statement is beyond crazy, its insane. If this guy feels so badly about increasing his standard of living, then he should sell his home or give it to Cara's bunch, sell his car or give it to the first street urchin he sees, and then give away 90% of this earnings to the homeless.....that should provide a cure for his illness.

  4. "instead of sitting back and allowing the government to pay you for doing nothing".
    How long have you been on social security and medicare? How much did you contribute while working minimum wage jobs? How much have you collected back?

  5. Social Security is not a govt handout as some people like to believe. I paid into it my entire working career. I think of it as an annuity that the government robbed. What about you? Still on that $7.25 an hour job I see or are you now getting 99 weeks of unemployment for doing nothing?

  6. You miss the point. What I was trying to communicate was that I am not happy that the economy has improved. Do we really need an economy at all. Is it just something to fight over every four or so years? Give it up.It is all a dream for most. Don't have a car. Don't need one. A bike is fine. Don't need a house. There are friends and nieghbors that are more than willing to help out.Higher wages are a part of your dream not mine. Learn to be content with what you have and happiness wil surely come your way.

  7. You were a democrat until a black guy that attended a black church became president.
    Interesting revelation.

  8. That's the only argument Democrats have--Race. If you disagree with them on anything, and I mean ANYTHING, you are a racist. It is really old bullchit. Try something original like Charles Blackman's revisionist label when people disagree with him.

  9. All we have to care about is each other. Quite possibly your taxes paid for many houses that are owned in Lake Worth. A simple plan would be to stop paying your taxes. If everyone did that then you would not have to worry so much about big government controlling your life and giving handouts to leeches.You more than likely would not go to jail if everyone stopped paying their taxes because there would be no room for everyone and no money to build new ones.Just stop. Stop complaining where your tax dollars go or stop paying your taxes.
