Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Birther Issue Still Alive and Well

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For all of you Democrats who panned the idea of an Obama birther issue, the latest news is now out.

A former U.S. Justice Department attorney who founded the government watchdog Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch has warned a key Barack Obama attorney that Democrat Party or state elections officials certifying Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election could become the targets of election-fraud charges.

In his letter to Robert Bauer, general counsel to the Democratic National Committee, Klayman explained that the evidence shows no one knows for sure about Obama’s eligibility, so letters from the DNC to states about Obama’s 2012 candidacy may be problematic.

“There is therefore no longer any state or national official in the Democratic Party who can escape legal responsibility for ignoring the proof herein provided, and a plea of ignorance of the facts will no longer be possible, especially under the informed legal counsel provided by you (and your state counterparts), Mr. Bauer,” Klayman wrote.

Read more...as this continues to get swept under the table.


  1. Yup, Klayman's a reputable fellow who has filled dozens of lawsuits and has not won many, if any.


    And last November, Klayman was reprimanded by the Florida bar for taking a $25,000 payment from a woman to represent her in a criminal case but failing to do any legal work for her. After he was ordered to return $5,000 of the money as agreed to in mediation, he failed to keep up the payments. Klayman claimed that his "financial situation continues to be dire." (He claims that he has since repaid the money.) Further, Klayman's license to practice law in Pennsylvania is under administrative suspension.

    Google "Voeltz v. Obama" for his last attempt at this sort of thing!

  2. Why google that? That will only confuse this blogger and it's knowledgeable readers with the truth and facts.
    Which they won't stand for.

  3. Isn't it odd that when presented with facts, Liberals all seem to slink back into the darkness.
